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    西銳飛機有限公司 務請閣下閱讀本文件所載 警告。 警告 重要提示 預期時間表 目錄 概要 釋義 技術詞彙表 前瞻性陳述 風險因素 豁免嚴格遵守上市規則 有關本文件及[編纂]資料 ...

  2. Cover Important Expected Timetable Contents Summary Definitions Glossary of Technical Terms Forward-looking Statements Risk Factors Waivers from Strict Compliance with the Listing Rules Information about this Prospectus and

  3. 飛機循環再製造設施,向全球客戶提供覆蓋飛機全生命週期一站式 綠色解決方案,包括早前本集團聯營公司中飛航空後市場控股有限公司 (「 CAAM 」)曾向一間南美一線航司集團購買 6架機身協助其退舊,本集團又

  4. 東週年大會,務請盡快將股東週年大會通告隨附代表委任表格按其列印指示填妥,並無論如 何不遲於股東週年大會或其任何續會指定舉行時間48小時前交回本公司股份過戶登記分處香港中

  5. The board announces the appointment of Mr. CHUNG Hau Yeung, as acting CEO of the Company, with effect from today. Mr. Chung in charge of the notebook business of the Group since 2016. A new Chairman and a new CEO will be appointed by the Board in due course and further announcement will be made as soon as practicable.

  6. the Independent Investigator could not perform forensic technology procedures to collect forensic images of certain computer hard-drives and devices belonging to nine former employees and directors of the China Aoyuan Group and the Aoyuan Healthy Group which were beyond the power of the China Aoyuan Group to obtain.

  7. Edward Simon Middleton and Ms. Wing Sze Tiffany Wong both of Alvarez & Marsal Asia Limited of Rooms 405-7, 4/F, St. George’s Building, 2 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong were appointed as joint and several liquidators (“Liquidators”) of the Company by an order of the High Court of Hong Kong on 29 January 2024.