雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Description. FRISO Gold® supports gut resilience, easy digestion* and easy absorption﬩. Our signature milk is originated from Holland own farm, contains natural NOVAS soft & small casein#, small molecules with soft structure, formulating soft curd particles which are easier to be digested+.

    • (178)
    • $299 - $315
    • FRISO
  2. 精選蟲草大王產品 等用品尽在香港屈臣氏, 多样商品全面符合您的需求。 屈臣氏提供蟲草大王等过千种热卖美容、护肤、个人护理、保健产品及独家精选优惠供您选购心水产品。 买满$399即免费送货, 近1,200个自取点可供取货。连结易赏钱会员咭, 同时赚积分!

  3. 食品 家品及飲食 等用品盡在香港屈臣氏, 多樣食品商品全面符合您的需求。屈臣氏提供AIRWAVES, BAREBELLS, BEANSTALK, BIG FOOT, CALBEE等過千種熱賣美容、護膚、個人護理、保健產品及獨家精選優惠供您選購心水產品。買滿$399即免費送貨, 近1,200個自取點可供取貨。連結易 ...

  4. Description. Dual Precious Nutrients to Support Your Child's Immunity. Allowing Them to Live Up to Their True Nature. FRISO PRESTIGE® is made with the "Natural First Layer of Milk" which is Close to Original Milk*. It retains natural and precious nutrients to support digestion and absorption˟ø and protect your child's inner health with natural!

    • (49)
    • $472 - $498
  5. 中国. 优点. 补气养血,适合因气虚血弱所引致之月事不适、头晕、手脚冰冷及产后体虚等症状. 产品用法. 用暖水或淡盐水送服;或用热水把药丸浸溶饮服。. 宜空腹服用。. 建议服用量:〔保持青春,强身健体〕每星期服两次,每次一瓶,可分早晚各服半瓶 ...

    • (2)
    • $169 - $228
  6. 优点. 《虫草Cs-4》的培植虫草菌丝体Cs-4,利用先进生物科技,以顶级冬虫夏草中分离所得的蝙蝠蛾拟青霉培植而成。. 高浓度、高稳定性,功效比其他培植虫草更优胜、更显著。. 味甘性平,补而不燥,有补肺强身之效,是都市人保健之首选,一家大小都适合 ...

  7. Extra Xyl. Sweetmint 54s bag. 9 reviews. Free Gift (Online Exclusive) HK$19.90 25% off. RRP HK$26.80 (Save: HK$6.90) QUANTITY. Add to Bag. Check stock in store (time discrepancy might occur)