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  1. 免費的在線翻譯器,擁有強大的詞典定義,發音,同義詞和例句並支持19種在網絡上最常用的語言。.

  2. 最受歡迎的適合英語學習者的詞典和同義詞詞典。. 字詞的意思、解釋、發音及翻譯。.

  3. 聽這個詞在英式和美式英語中如何發音. 引導語帶找到您正在尋找的確切含義. 非常適合英語水平為中級到高級的學習者(CEFR水平A2-C2) 基於劍橋英語語料庫,一個擁有超過20億詞語的語料庫. 去下載app! 致謝. 翻譯,第四版. Zhu Zhu. 組稿編輯. Helen Freeman. 部落格. Fakes and forgeries (Things that are not what they seem to be) June 12, 2024. 查看更多. 新詞. warmdrobe. June 24, 2024. 查看更多. 使用劍橋雙語詞典,體驗英語-中文 (繁體)翻譯的便捷與輕鬆。

  4. a large area of land in the country that is owned by a family or an organization and is often used for growing crops or raising animals. (位於鄉村的)大片私有土地,莊園,種植園. It's a typical country estate with a large house for the owner, farm buildings, and estate workers ' houses. 這是一個典型的鄉村莊園,建有主人的大宅子、許多農舍以及莊園工人的住處。 [ C ] law specialized.

  5. a place to stay or live. 住处;工作场所;停留处. They paid for his flights and hotel accommodation. 他们支付了他的机票和酒店住宿。 There's a shortage of cheap accommodation in the city. There is accommodation for about five hundred students on campus. Hostels are a temporary solution until the families can be housed in permanent accommodation. 减少例句.

  6. to study architecture 学习建筑学. B1. the style in which buildings are made. 建筑风格. Roman architecture 罗马式建筑风格. 减少例句. Modernist architecture tries to conquer nature instead of working with it. This is a prime example of 1930s architecture. Almost every visitor to Edinburgh is seduced by its splendid architecture.

  7. a letter that is written by someone who knows you, to describe you and say if you are suitable for a job, course, etc. 推薦信;介紹信. My old headteacher said he would write/give me a glowing (= very good) reference. 我以前的中學校長說他會為我寫一封很好的推薦信。 更多範例. reference noun (LOOK AT) C1 [ U ]