雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 對付蟑螂、蒼蠅、蟻、書蟲、衣魚等常見害蟲. 安全環保滅蟲服務. 使用我們獨有的保而剋®滅蟲劑,對 人及溫血動物安全 ,並獲漁護署豁免無須掛上毒藥標籤的消滅害蟲方法,甚至“可以讓您於 滅蟲期間安心留在家中 ” 。. 適合 家居、辦公室、醫院、學校 ...

  2. Effective Against Insect pests. Eco & Safe Pest Control Service works by using unique BioKill® insecticides, which is safe for humans and warm-blooded animals, and even allow you to stay at your premises during the treatment process; highly effective in eliminating insect pests.

  3. 今日去咗東涌私人屋苑單位滅曱甴,客人事前向我地諮詢果陣,已經發現佢既單位同時有 德國蟑螂 同 褐帶蟑螂 。. 我地到場同客人了解後,得知客人工作忙碌,甚少做清潔,即使用過既碗碟亦係疊埋一次過洗,所以部份廚櫃入面有曱甴屎及曱甴蛋亦無為意 ...

  4. Email : info@biocycle.hk. Whatsapp : (852)6462 2694. Signal : (852)6462 2694. Facebook : BioCycle HK. Office Address: Block C, 9/F, Wah Hing Industrial Mansions, 36 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

  5. 蛾蚋係廁所常見的害蟲,好多客人都遇過依問題,包括尋日上門滅...

  6. Wasp Nest Removal Service. Wasps and bees are beneficial insects, although they are generally considered to be pests because of their ability to sting. Some of stinging insects are capable of injecting venom into humans. Wasps, in particular, can become a problem when they decide to nest in and around your home.

  7. 要點一 : 同層前門外的垃圾收集. 垃圾收集點通常是害蟲活動的理想環境。 如棄置垃圾時包裹不當,便有機會引致更嚴重的蟲害問題。 要點二 : 大門外的走廊通道範圍. 害蟲有機會匿藏於牆身的裂縫、地氈、鞋櫃和雜物等等。 要點三 : 大門外的盆栽. 如盆栽有積水、有枯枝和枯葉,亦有機會成為害蟲繁殖的地方。 要點四 : 大門門縫. 大門門縫或門框有機會可被害蟲作為進出家居的直接通道。 想了解更多害蟲的預防建議? 立即填寫您的email以接收相關資訊。 更多問題?