雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年3月27日 · 5G’s increased speed and capacity will make video downloads up to 100x faster. Customers will need a 5G-equipped phone, and unlimited data plans will cost just over 70 dollars (7,650 yen) per month. Samsung's "Galaxy" and Sharp’s “Aquos” phones are 5G compatible. Chinese maker Huawei will launch 5G phones in Japan in mid-April.

  2. NHK為了培養中小學生讀新聞的習慣,專門為日文學習者精心製作的日文學習網站“NEWS WEB EASY”十分推薦,由於每篇新聞的字上都有標註假名,並且單篇新聞的篇幅也已經縮減為方便讀者閱讀的長度,非常適合想要認識更多漢字念法的日文學習者與想要

  3. 2020年8月26日 · The experts on extreme weather said climate change is also behind the scorching heatwave hitting the country this summer. They said the amount of water vapor around Japan which causes heavy rains has increased 10 percent over four decades. They also warn that rising sea temperatures could also bring about powerful typhoons accompanied by downpours.

  4. 2015年8月17日 · We wanted to know more about Neco Republic and their plan to save Japan’s homeless cats, so we stopped by the new Tokyo location and sat down with the branch manager. To learn more about Neco Republic and to see more cute cats than you can shake your tail at, take a look below! Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SoraNews24 is a bilingual news blog.

  5. 2019年3月18日 · 1. 2. I live in Kawasaki, but I work in the AAJ office now as the English editor. I spend most of my free time studying, reading comics, watching movies and gaming (video, board tabletop). I love to travel, eat good food and drink. Whether you're visiting for the first time or staying for a while, these simple phrases can help you get around in ...

  6. 據記載,最初霍亂流行是在1822年,源自印度的霍亂經中國傳入日本。第2次流行是在1858年,美國輪船密西西比號停靠長崎時,船員登陸後,霍亂便由長崎傳入九州,最後一直傳播到北海道。 明治維新之後,也就是日本的近代,最初的一次感染病爆發是明治10年(1877年)9月5日,美國製茶公司的兩名 ...

  7. 2023年6月27日 · Part I of Joy Jarman-Walsh's series on the little town that could. A Pilgrimage to Japan’s Remarkable Zero-Waste Town of Kamikatsu. The second of a series about the inspiring zero-waste Japanese town of Kamikatsu. Joy Jarman-Walsh introduces the people who want to make sustainability compatible with a good life.