雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 醫健寶醫療保障. 即日起至2024年7月2日,成功申請尊享8折優惠及精彩禮遇 (淨保費港幣2,000元 – 4,000元: $200超市禮券; 淨保費港幣4,001元或以上: $400超市禮券) 須受條款及細則約束. 多元化墊底費選項及優惠. 自選自負額可享低至35折保費折扣優惠,亦設有額外家庭折扣優惠及每年一次免費醫療服務. 全球住院付款信用保證. 不論您身處何地,我們的全球住院付款信用保證會為您簽發付款信用保證及/或安排直接付款予醫院,讓您安心。 賠償主要住院醫療費用. 包括醫院病房費用、住院專科醫生費用、手術費用、深切治療室費用、麻醉師費用和手術室費用。 照顧您住院前後的需要. 保障入院前的門診診斷費用及出院後的覆診費用。 COVID-19 之相關保障*:

  2. Protect against the financial impact of ongoing critical illnesses – including multiple strikes of cancer, heart attack and stroke. PRUhealth critical illness extended care III is a life insurance plan and is not a bank deposit. It is underwritten by Prudential Hong Kong Limited (Part of Prudential plc (United Kingdom)) (“Prudential”).

  3. For further information, please contact: Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited Gabriel Kwan / Lilian Goh Tel: +852 2820 3036 / +852 2820 3481 Email: gabriel.kwan@sc.com / lilian.goh@sc.com Note to editors: Standard Chartered We are a leading

  4. HelperSurance 4.0. Protect you against employer liability and medical expenses incurred by your domestic servant. Apply Now. HelperSurance 4.0. From now until 2 Jul 2024, enjoy 25% discount upon successful application for MSIG HelperSurance 4.0. Terms and conditions apply. Employees’ Compensation Cover.

  5. 「跨境理財通」是一項創新的金融合作計劃,讓香港居民可以通過渣打銀行香港分行,投資粵港澳大灣區內地的指定理財產品,同時享受稅務優惠和匯率保護。點擊了解更多關於「跨境理財通」的詳情,包括申請資格、投資額度、產品種類和風險等。

  6. Reimburses all your eligible medical costs up to HKD 12,000,000 each year with a lifetime limit of HKD 56,000,000. PRUHealth VHIS VIP plan is a life insurance plan and is not a bank deposit. It is underwritten by Prudential Hong Kong Limited (Part of Prudential plc (United Kingdom)) (“Prudential”). The Bank is an insurance agent of Prudential.

  7. 查閱保誠人壽資訊公開說明文件請連結網址:http://www.pcalife.com.tw ;或洽詢客戶服務專線0809-0809-68。. 商品名稱:保誠人壽優活終身醫療健康保險給付項目..住院日額、加護病房、住院手術費用、手術看護、門診手術費用、初次罹患重大疾病或特定傷病保險金、豁免 ...

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