雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. A non-principal protected Equity-linked Investment (ELI) is a type of structured product. Its investment return is directly linked to the performance of a single underlying equity or a basket of up to 4 underlying equities. Download Transcript. A non-principal protected ELI is typically a short to medium-term investment product that may provide ...

  2. An equity-linked investment (ELI) is a type of structured product. Its investment return is directly linked to the performance of a single underlying equity or a basket of up to 4 underlying equities. An ELI is typically a short to medium-term investment product that may provide potential yield enhancement.

  3. ESG和可持續投資. 重要風險通知. 甚麼是ESG. ESG(環境、社會及公司管治)投資產品除了讓您的財富增長外,更能締造理想未來。 您可通過財務以外的因素量度投資的可持續性,例如環境因素關注自然保育,社會因素關注機構與人的關係,而公司管治因素則聚焦企業架構與營運。 近年來,對ESG產品的投資已由小眾躍升為主流,並成為投資市場的參考標準。 探索ESG和可持續投資產品. 主要特點. 降低風險. 環境、社會及管治因素對於了解企業的內在風險十分重要,不僅對長遠營運舉足輕重,對短線表現也有顯著影響。 投資決策時將ESG納入考慮因素,有助管理投資風險。 創造更多機遇. 可持續發展理念正為世界各地開創新機遇。 部署可持續的投資方案,能助您捕捉時機。 潛在資本增長.

  4. 滙豐卓越理財尊尚提供全方位升級體驗,讓您的生活昇華及更與衆不同。 由即日起至2024年6月30日,晉身成為滙豐卓越理財尊尚客戶,尊享高達港幣86,300元迎新獎賞,當中包括新增資金獎賞、理財獎賞、全城首屈一指的醫療、餐饗、旅遊及尊尚生活禮遇,以及3個月新資金定存優惠年利率(美元定存高達5.2%/港元定存高達4.3% [@welcome-offer-deposit-rates])。 受條款及細則約束。 預約會面 了解更多. 立即體驗. 了解更多. 滙豐卓越理財尊尚是一項尊屬和個人化的服務,為在香港滙豐維持平均每日總值餘額至少港幣7,800,000元的客戶提供尊尚獨特的產品及服務。 受條款及細則約束。

  5. Find the information on branch and ATM address, opening hours and banking services provided in our HSBC branch list in Hong Kong. Beware of apps from sources other than your phone’s official app stores which may contain malware. From 26 Feb 2024, new ...

  6. 5個簡單步驟登記使用網上及流動理財. 使用滙豐個人網上理財,每天24小時快捷、方便、輕鬆管理您的戶口。

  7. In celebration of the 40th anniversary of The Hongkong Bank Foundation, HSBC is making a special donation of HKD140 million to aid 10 community projects. Covering future skills development, easing hardship and improving quality of life, as well as helping to improve the environment and enhance climate resilience, these projects are expected to ...

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