雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. Watchlist. Rate. Shinchan Nohara sends a girl named Tamiko on a mission to bring his five-year-old self to that time period right before being captured. Reaching the past, she claims to be Shinchan's bride and takes him and his friends on a wild adventure to try to save the world to come. 96mins.

  2. 周春紅跟其他家長正在認真聆聽班主任介紹學期情況,因為工作繁忙才從單位趕到的葉軍打斷了會議進程,這讓葉軍的女兒葉馳敏感到坐立難安。 90mins. Ends 31 Dec 2024. E2. The Bad Kids. 在警察面前,張東升表現出愧疚的模樣。 沒有留下任何犯罪證據的張東升沒料到,自己的殺人過程早已被記錄下,而這三個小朋友即將和他展開一場驚險的對抗。 三個小孩思慮再三後決定用自己的方式提醒殺人犯,給張東升遞警告信。 60mins. Ends 31 Dec 2024. E3. The Bad Kids. 朱朝陽趁著張東升不注意偷偷將警告信夾在了摸底試卷里便匆忙離開。

  3. Now Player - 【Oshi No Ko】 (Cantonese Version) Watch E1. Watchlist. Rate. An unexpected pregnancy at 16 years of age leads her to take a hiatus – but with the resolve to keep her family intact. While Ai finds herself trying to juggle the life of a teen idol and a mother, the world of showbiz shows just how cruel and unforgiving it can be. 11 Eps.

  4. nowplayer.now.com › ondemand › detailNow 隨身睇 - 怪物

    怪物 預告片. 平靜的湖畔小鎮,疼愛兒子的單親媽媽早織、為學生著想的爽直老師保利以及天真爛漫的孩子們本過著安穩的生活,卻因為一次校園衝突,發酵釀成軒然大波,惹起社會與媒體的關注。 當事態越見嚴重,竟在一個暴風雨的清晨,兩個孩子雙雙失去了蹤影…。

  5. Now Player - Hong Kong Family. Watchlist. Rate. The chaos began at the Winter Solstice dinner eight years ago. The father lost his temper, the son, not able to forgive his father, ran away from home. Eight years have passed, and the family's relationship is still cold and distant.

  6. 極挑兄弟勇闖火線. 「極挑團」和小沈陽、譚卓、于洋一起走進大興安嶺,學習並體驗林業守護者「平凡的一天」;正式工作前,還需要經過風力滅火器訓練等各項森林防火的入職培訓,才能順利上崗;而隊裡唯一的女隊員譚卓,則是主動請纓,首闖火線,她會有怎樣的表現? 100mins. Ends 20 Apr 2027. E3. 極挑兄弟為重生吃盡苦頭. 「極挑團」成員來到90年代的上海,在《寶總日記》的指引下開展體力與腦力並存的挑戰任務;在最終的商戰環節,由於擁有金條數最高和最低的人都將面臨淘汰,眾人不得不在競爭中保持合作,隨時交換情報,平衡自己的金條數目;誰會是這場比賽的最終獲勝者? 100mins. Ends 20 Apr 2027. E4. 黃曉明被「貼心小棉襖」感動落淚.

  7. Watchlist. Rate. Yu Hai's game studio runs into divestment from investor Shen Hui. Yu encounters Shen's bastard daughter Lu Jie. The two plot together a fake kidnapping case and falls in love. Real Lu Jie is found dead days after and cops reveal greater dangerous while investigating. 12 Eps. Cast: 朱亞文, 金晨, 耿樂, 劉奕君. More. Episodes. Recommended. E1.

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