雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 「網上情緣」所造成的損失是六種常見騙案中最嚴重的,受害者的平均損失更超過港幣4,000元,屬所有欺詐案件中最高。 那麼,哪些人最容易跌進情騙陷阱?

  2. 獲取信用卡/扣賬卡支援和幫助 - 啟動和使用您滙豐信用卡。點擊以獲取更多信用卡服務資訊。 來自非手機官方應用商店應用程式或含惡意軟件,請小心提防。由2024年2月26日起,Android版本HSBC HK App將推出全新安全措施,以保護您免受惡意軟件 ...

  3. A person who inherits all or part of the money or property from someone who has died. Confirmation Notice. A document issued by the Director of Home Affairs of the Government of the HKSAR that enables the holder of the Notice to handle small estates of a deceased person, as set out in the schedule attached to the Notice.

  4. HSBC Hong Kong - Accounts, Insurance, Credit Cards, Loans

  5. 何謂年度紅利之分紅實現率?. 年度紅利之分紅實現率旨在顯示,該保單年度所有相關生效分紅保單之實際累積年度紅利及利息金額(不包括特別獎賞,如適用),有多大程度符合、低於或高於銷售時之參考金額。. 就每種相關產品及貨幣而言,於保單年度所有 ...

  6. I.轉換指示. 本人/我們欲將本人/我們港元往來戶口及港元/外幣定期存款戶口/滙豐黃金券戶口,如上文所指(「現有戶口」)轉為如下文所指級別綜合理財戶口(「新戶口」)。. 本人/我們明白 (i) 港元往來戶口及港元/外幣定期存款戶口/滙豐黃金券戶口將納入在 ...

  7. Until policy maturity, the accumulated value of her policy is projected at HKD462,593, which serve as a lump-sum retirement fund for Jenny to live the retirement style she deserved. Better still, HSBC Income Goal Deferred Annuity Plan is a Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policy certified by Insurance Authority (“IA”).