雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 自動轉賬支薪服務及僱員 服務 讓您處理自動轉賬支薪、報稅、強積金 財富管理服務 Straight2Bank 追蹤付款情況及查詢賬戶結餘 ... 繳費予基督教勵行會 (Christian Action) 賬單種類 賬單戶口號碼 繳付賬單方式 01一般慈善捐款 聯絡電話號碼 適用於信用卡付款及 ...

  2. 5 天前 · Programme Care. 渣打員工向來積極投入社區。 於2020年,渣打香港有近半員工參與義務工作,貢獻了超過3,750天的社區服務。 另外,為促進僱員的身心健康,渣打員工創立了名為 Programme Care 的組織,多年來為員工舉辦不同範疇的活動,包括運動消閒、親子、環境保護等項目。 義工服務有薪假期計劃. 渣打銀行除不斷提供機會予僱員參與義務工作,更每年為僱員提供三日額外有薪假期,鼓勵僱員更踴躍參與義務工作。 其他連結. 相關新聞稿. 渣打集團可持續發展計劃. SCB.ChatBot.

  3. 透過宏利的網上平台助您輕鬆安排僱員登記參加你所選擇的強積金計劃更提供不同強積金供款繳費方式為您帶來便利。 了解更多. 精明貼士. 提供不同強積金計劃讓您選擇. 強積金是每位僱員的長期退休計劃為自己員工及公司作出明智的選擇僱主可提供多於一個強積金計劃讓僱員可根據強積金計劃的基金選擇提供收費及保薦人之客戶服務自主選擇適合自己的強積金計劃。 立即預約與渣打強積金顧問會面, 了解更多強積金計劃之詳情. 輕鬆管理強積金帳戶. 宏利提供 e-MPF 僱主網上服務,助僱主輕鬆管理強積金帳戶,並簡化管理強積金的行政工作。 了解更多. 觀看e-MPF僱主網上服務示範短片. 強積金供款計算機. 通過2個簡單步驟計算您的強積金供款日期和金額。 立即計算. 於指定分行約見強積金顧問.

  4. In 2020, almost half of our Hong Kong staff volunteered to support the community, contributing over 3,750 volunteering days. For the well-being of our staff, an employee-led committee, Programme Care, has been established for years to organise activities of different categories, such as Sports & Recreation, Family & Children, Environment and ...

  5. 300. 3,000. Salary BonusPack. 100. 1,000. Notes: Each Referrer will only be entitled to the Referral Offer under each Referral Program for a maximum of 10 times in each Promotion Quarter. If Referees successfully sign up for any one of the Banking Plans and Salary BonusPack, Referrer will be entitled to the Referral Offer under relevant ...

  6. The above illustration is calculated based on a monthly flat rate of 0.2200% with 48-month loan repayment period for a Standard Chartered Personal Instalment Debt Consolidation Program (“Program Loan”). The APR is 5.13% (rounded up or down to the nearest two decimal places), and the total loan repayment amount is HKD221,120 (including full ...

  7. Outdated browser detected For security reasons and improved client experience we only support modern browsers such as the ones listed below. To continue signing up ...