雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在廣島縣福山市,有個小小的,歷史十分悠久的港口,叫做「鞆之浦」(鞆:發音為TOMO。和製漢字。指裝在左手腕的內側,防止弓箭射出後,弓弦回彈傷到手的保護裝置)。可別小看這個海港城市,它可是自古以來,就吸引許多商家和寺廟在此落地生根,來往者眾多,更被暱稱為瀨戶內海中的「等待風 ...

  2. 2017年8月3日 · It's most definitely a very nifty device that would help any visitor to Japan with the language barrier. The translations are usually accurate and prompt responses from the person you are asking help from. Most people take to it well and some are surprised it even exists. There definitely seems to be a gap in the market for devices like the ili ...

  3. 鎌倉邊走邊吃的醋飯杯「はんなりいなり」. 「 はんなりいなり (Hannariinari)」是在鎌倉著名的邊走邊吃人氣店,從店名帶有「いなり (豆皮壽司)」就知道不得不點的就是豆皮壽司了。. 使用100%日本黃豆所製的豆皮裡鋪上海苔,再將加了黑蜜和芝麻的醋飯溫柔的包 ...

  4. 位於茨城縣太平洋沿岸正中央的大洗町,是個富有海港風情的優閒小鎮,町內的茨城港讓小鎮別有韻味,狹長的淺海灘適合安靜慢活,港口船家每日提供新鮮海鮮魚獲、鮟鱇魚料理、吻魚丼飯,讓人一吃就愛上。. 如果要形容大洗町是一個怎麼樣的地方,就 ...

  5. 2017年12月25日 · The deepest desire of their hearts is to drive an actual train. Until then, simulators will have to do. 17. Houan-tetsu: railway safety fans. A lot goes into the safe operation of trains, and these otaku want to know about it all. 18. Kaki-tetsu: train artists. They make purdy pictures of trains. 19.

  6. 2015年12月10日 · 4. Shinjuku Kappo Nakajima. While offering cuisine rooted in Japanese culinary tradition and made with seasonal ingredients, Shinjuku Kappo Nakajima also serves challenging new dishes. This renowned restaurant has a calm atmosphere that stands out in the bustle of the Shinjuku 3-chome area, has been recognized with one star from the Michelin ...

  7. 2018年7月26日 · A yukata is essentially a casual summer kimono, commonly made from unlined cotton, worn by both women and men. Used traditionally like a bathrobe, and still worn today in ryokan (traditional Japanese inns) or walking around onsen (hot spring) towns, the yukata can be likened to the traditional Japanese version of a T-shirt, shorts and flip flops.