雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 中銀Chill Card客戶可於每月指定嘅星期三搶指定場次電影門票各兩張*。 立即購票 (門票已火速爆滿) (2024年5月22日下午2時開始) 仲未有Chill Card? 立即申請 *電影/音樂會門票之價格為港幣$0。惟客戶須以中銀Chill Card支付購票平台手續費,手續費為每張

  2. Chill Date Movie Offer. BOC Chill Card cardholders can grab 2 tickets to designated movie screenings on designated Wednesday every month*. Buy Tickets Now (All Tickets are SOLD OUT) (Start from 2pm, 22 May 2024) Still not have Chill Card? Apply Now. *Ticket price for movie/concert tickets is HK$0.

  3. Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of ...

  4. 中國銀行(香港)有限公司(簡稱「中國銀行(香港)」或「中銀香港」)於2001年10月1日正式成立,是一家在香港註冊的持牌銀行。按資產及客戶存款計算,中國銀行(香港)是香港主要上市商業銀行集團之一,向個人客戶和企業客戶提供全面的金融產品與服務。中銀香港是香港三家發鈔銀行之一。

  5. BOC CBS Online and FI Online. Register for our online banking service and you can manage your company accounts with great ease. Upon activation of such service, you can make enquiry on your accounts and credit card balances, transfer funds, make remittance applications, place time deposits and settle your credit card and other payments.

  6. 中銀集團人壽保險有限公司 (「中銀人壽」)的中銀人壽延期年金計劃 (終身) (「本計劃」) 是一項獲保險業監管局 (「保監局」)認可的合資格延期年金保險計劃,而保單權益人作為年金領取人有機會可享稅項扣減。. 本計劃提供終身年金入息及人壽保障,助您現在 ...

  7. 馬上申請中銀全新現金回贈信用卡Chill Card,海外簽賬或本地消費皆可Chill住賺取回贈,更有「分期Chill Easy」分期付款計劃,現在更有Chill Date電影及音樂會門票優惠!Chill賞要吧!