雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Personal e-CNY Services. e-CNY (or digital Renminbi) is a digital currency issued by the People’s Bank of China (“PBOC”) and which is held in e-CNY wallets (“Wallet (s)”) provided by the operators authorised by the PBOC outside of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”).

  2. The Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (“BOCHK”) has always been committed to promoting the sustainable development of the environment and society. After launching Green Deposits, Green Loans, Green Bonds and ESG Funds, the Bank further expands sustainable development to its Mortgage Service. BOCHK has launched the first Green Mortgage Plan ...

  3. BOCHK encourages corporates to achieve their goals on sustainable development by providing green loan and sustainability linked loan financing service for eligible environmentally sustainable green project, or for corporate funding to improve its sustainability performance targets.

  4. 電子結單 /. 通知書. 中銀香港提供多種電子結單 / 電子通知書服務,包括證券和證券孖展通知書 / 日結單 / 月結單 1,2,3 、基金通知書 / 月結單、債券 / 存款證通知書 / 日結單 / 月結單及股票掛鈎投資 / 結構性票據通知書 / 日結單 / 月結單、貴金屬及外匯孖展 ...

  5. 流動理財,快捷方便 「中銀企業網上銀行」適用於大部份平板電腦、手機操作系統及瀏覽器。使用平板電腦登入網上銀行更可於闊大屏幕上操作,更享流動理財的便利。 配合保安編碼器,倍添安心 配合毋須安裝額外軟件 / 驅動程式的「保安編碼器」作為雙重認證工具,讓你可隨時隨地管理銀行賬戶 ...

  6. 提供賬戶結餘及交易狀態實時查詢及資料下載功能. 支援24小時幣種相同的轉賬交易. 特長人民幣匯款服務時間. 附設交易編輯器,支援多筆支付交易上載. 首頁可顯示自選賬戶,方便查閱賬戶資料. 支援多個授權組別及有序授權. 支援跨境賬戶管理. 如欲查詢更多 ...

  7. Banking, WeChat Offical Account, Corporate Internet Banking , e-Statement Service)hat provided by BOCHK Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited Copy link: 繁 简 menu login e-Banking Service e-Banking Service Promotion ...