雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年4月20日 · Learning Japanese has been made easy and fun with the help of these four Instagram accounts for Japanese study. Everyone has different ways of learning the language, but anyone can benefit from integrating as much Japanese into their daily lives as possible.

  2. 全曲歌词. どこかで鐘が鳴って. 不知何處鐘聲響起. らしくない言葉が浮かんで. 於是莫名的話語在心中浮現. 寒さが心地よくて. 既然寒冷叫人感到舒服. あれ なんで戀なんかしてんだろう. 那,那為何還要戀愛呢. 聖夜だなんだと繰り返す歌と. 難道是因為那些在聖誕夜反複播放的歌曲. わざとらしくきらめく街のせいかな. 或者那些故意做出來的閃耀著光輝的溫馨街道. 會いたいと思う回數が. 但想你的次數. 會えないと痛いこの胸が. 及無法相見時胸中的陣痛. 君の事どう思うか教えようとしてる. 卻在告知我對你的思念. いいよそんなこと自分で分ってるよ. 好吧, 其實自己也是知道的啊. サンタとやらに頼んでも仕方ないよなぁ. 就算拜託了聖誕老人,也都無濟於事啊. できれば橫にいて欲しくて.

  3. 2018年8月24日 · Singing competitions became a mainstay of prime time television, and idol groups rose and fell frequently. They would often appear on TV commercials and shows, and were called on to create jingles or theme songs for different television programs.

  4. 知名甜點品牌、咖啡廳、餐飲紛紛在此進駐開店,今天小編要與大家分享10間原宿精選的超人氣甜點&咖啡廳,逛街逛累了不妨來到這裡喝杯咖啡休息一下,再拍張文青的照片上傳IG或是在臉書打卡炫耀吧!

  5. 鬧中取靜的日式庭園|威斯汀花園. 想在熱鬧都會中的惠比壽裡感受到一縷寧靜的話,隱身於「東京威斯汀飯店(The Westin Tokyo )」的綠洲日式庭園可說是您的最佳選擇。 與曾在國際園藝展最頂尖的英國切爾西花卉展(RHS Chelsea Flower Show)上獲得9枚金牌的庭園設計師石原和幸合作,於2013年4月打造的溪谷般意境庭園「威斯汀花園」,不管是從什麼角度欣賞,皆能感受舒適放鬆的氛圍;春天溫暖的陽光、夏天涼爽的溪水、秋天楓紅、冬天銀白的世界等四季風情也不容錯過。 威斯汀花園. 官網| http://www.westin-tokyo.co.jp/features_westingarden. 營業時間|9:00~日落為止(冬季為11:00~日落為止)

  6. 2019年9月10日 · 1. Hitsujiyama Park (Chichibu City) Hitsujiyama Park (羊山公園・Hitsujiyama Koen) is famous for its shibazakura (moss phloxes, though the Japanese term literally means "grass cherry blossoms"), which are in full bloom from early April to early May.

  7. 2024年3月4日 · The juxtaposition between the western mansion and rose garden, and the Japanese tea room, lake and strolling garden, is at the heart of what makes these modern fusion gardens so stunning. Kobe’s Sorakuen Garden is another example that blends Japanese and Western influences.

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