雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POH0056TAIPEI英文季刊

    2024年2月1日 · It creates a flavorful and sumptuous taste in the mouth. Before the Lunar New Year, those in Taipei usually head to Dihua Street (迪化街) in Dadaocheng to shop at the "Taipei Lunar New Year Festival (台北年貨大街)" and purchase mullet roe along with other festive items. Even foreign tourists, upon visiting Dihua Street, would be easily ...

  2. Last month, for example, Farfetch — the global online marketplace for independent luxury boutiques — held a daylong event at the Design Museum in London. There, in front of 200 fashion industry insiders and partners, Jose Neves, the founder of Farfetch, unveiled “The Store of the Future,” a suite of new technologies developed by his company to help brands and boutiques bridge the ...

  3. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POH0067讀紐時學英文

    教育家問,21世紀的大學應該是什麼樣子,一個答案是:全球化。. 對高等教育的開拓者來說,這意味不只是大一出國或到海外實習。. 他們發現校園是與外界隔絕的地方,讓學生沒有做好足以適應全球化世界的準備。. 而且,他們質疑傳統教學法的功效,特別是 ...

  4. 2018年6月8日 · 譯/王麗娟. In 1937, The New Yorker published James Thurber’s “The Macbeth Murder Mystery,” about an avid reader of Agatha Christie who picks up a paperback copy of “Macbeth,” mistakenly assuming it’s a detective story. She soon discovers it’s a Shakespeare play but is already hooked and reads it as a whodunit.

  5. 漢娜‧路易斯‧波絲頓是個購物狂,而她也知道自己有這個問題。她決定做點什麼:除了日常必需品,一整年都不買東西。她把這項挑戰稱為「一年不買東西」,並把整個挑戰的過程錄下來上傳YouTube。 在定下這項挑戰前,波絲頓過去會花整個下午在絲芙蘭(編按:此為美國一家連鎖化妝品店)血拚 ...

  6. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POH0067讀紐時學英文

    2022年4月29日 · 譯/李京倫. 法國大選籠罩在阿爾及利亞戰爭陰影下. Shadows of Algerian War Loom Over France’s Presidential Campaigns Grim conspiracy theories about replacing white, Christian French with Muslims from North Africa. Vows to limit immigration from the region. And the evocation of memories of a supposedly glorious colonial past ...

  7. 6. grant vt.(尤指官方或正式地)准予;給予. be granted sth 被給予某物. grant sb sth 給予某人某物. • The university granted Emma a scholarship. 那所大學給予艾瑪一筆獎學金。. 7. ordeal n. 嚴峻考驗,苦難. • Many people feel that it’s an ordeal to have to give a speech in front of others. 很多 ...

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