雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Market 最佳酒店自助餐. The Market自助餐提供多款地道菜,包括東南亞菜、中式糕點、日本料理和西式美食等,當中以優質海鮮和榴槤甜品最受歡迎,來到The Market時絕不能錯過。 此外,The Market自助餐設有早午晚、早午餐以及下午茶時段,不論何時來訪都可以嚐盡多國美饌。

  2. 通過 Klook 以優惠價預訂 Hotel ICON (唯港薈) The Market 自助餐及下午茶,享受多款國際佳餚和特色亞洲美饌!. The Market 提供自助午餐 Lunch Buffet、自助晚餐 Dinner Buffet、節日自助餐(午餐、晚餐、下午茶),有多款沙律、冷盤、甜品及雪糕等!. 香港酒店自助餐選擇 ...

  3. One of Hong Kong’s most renowned and popular hotel buffet restaurants, The Market's open kitchens serve the world on a plate through a buffet of international classics from antipasti to laksas, curries to grilled meats, all freshly prepared by chefs who come from the respective countries they represent.

  4. 顯示全部918篇食評. The Market餐廳地址網上訂座、電話、食評、相片及餐,餐廳位於 尖沙咀科學館道17號唯港薈2樓。. 主要菜式包括 甜品, 刺身, 貓山王榴槤雪糕, 喇沙, 冷盤, 海鮮, 榴槤甜品, 雪糕, 海南雞飯, 龍蝦湯, 沙律吧, 蟹粥, 鵝肝, Salad Bar, 沙律, 片皮 ...

  5. THE MARKET名字灵感来自世界各地的食材巿场。. 一踏进THE MARKET,新鲜食材的阵阵香气已扑鼻而来,移步至室内更可看到整排赏心悦目的优质食材。. 正如食材巿场的包罗万有,THE MARKET集各国美食于一身,坚持采用来自世界各地的优质食材,搭配餐厅的浓郁气氛 ...

  6. 地址: 香港九龍尖沙咀東部 科學館道17號2樓. 我同意唯港薈的 個人資料收集及私隱聲明 。 推廣優惠代碼:

  7. Hotel icon the market 出名自助餐,性價比高,鍾意食榴槤嘅朋友,千祈唔好錯過! 今次我就同朋友食早午自助餐,11:45去到2:30,時間充裕,包你食到捧住個肚走都得。

  8. The Market 的餐廳地址網上訂座、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 尖沙咀科學館道17號唯港薈2樓。.

  9. With a chic, contemporary design and immaculate service combine for remarkable lifestyle! Select from a wide choice of refreshing and signature beverages, and satisfy your hunger with a selection of our hors d’oevres, afternoon tea, and delicacies. Come and indulge in the COZi lifestyle! Hong Kong Indoor games.

  10. For further assistance, please contact The Market. Phone: +852 3400 1388. Email: book.restaurant@hotel-icon.com. Address: Level 2, 17 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong. I agree with Hotel ICON's Privacy Policy.

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