雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.town.otsuchi.iwate.jp › gyosei › zh-tw大槌町官網

    大槌町的魅力. 大槌町位於岩手縣沿岸的正中處,擁有豐富的自然景觀。. 美麗的山巒、沈水式海岸、多處的歷史古蹟等各式各樣的景勝地。. 還有具懷舊風情的山村景觀也是大槌的魅力。. Previous. Next.

  2. www.town.otsuchi.iwate.jp › gyosei › enOfficial Site of Otsuchi

    Located along the mid-point of the coastline of Iwate Prefecture, Otsuchi is blessed with abundant nature. Gorgeous mountains, coastal inlet areas, numerous historic sites and ancient temples – the town is full of attractions. The scenery with elegant old mountain villages is another charm of Otsuchi.

  3. People of Otsuchi The central players of the town of Otsuchi are the people who are attractive and full of individual character. Even after the earthquake disaster, people continue to embrace nature, and make strides towards the rebuilding. In this section, we will

  4. 2011年3月11日 · Otsuchi Reconstruction Report. Due to the tragic tsunami deluge of Otsuchi on March 11, 2011, 52% of the residential area (= 431ha) was submerged under water and 1,284 lives were lost.

  5. 蓬萊島浮在大槌灣的海面上,紅色的燈塔是其標記。. 島嶼呈現有趣的葫蘆形狀,據說也成為電視節目的主角,是一個人人皆知的大槌町象徵。. 島上的神社供奉有祈求漁業豐收與居家安全的弁財天,是這個地區居民們的信仰託付之處。. 連接島嶼與陸地的防波提 ...

  6. 四年前,那超越想像的巨大海嘯在瞬間毀滅了我們的家鄉,許多許多人都因此而犧牲了性命,實在是史上未曾有的大慘狀。. 我們本著「大槌町東日本大震災海嘯復興基本計畫」,努力推廣各種企劃,儘管面臨著很多的難題也一一克復,一同朝著復興家鄉的目標 ...

  7. 訪問 我活用當地出產的木材並堅持使用具有附加價值的建築建材,本著這個理念展開了事業。震災奪走了很多的人事物,也增強了地區的協力勞動意識,進而產生新興的結合力量。未曾有互動的不同業種與企業開始連結,由當地工匠們發展構築出新風貌的服務種類。