雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年2月5日 · 大嶼山的士. 乘客須知: 1. 行李附加費: 一般來說,司機可就下列行李,收取行李附加費: 每件擺放在車尾行李廂內的行李;或. 每件擺放在車廂內而長、闊、高總和超過140厘米的行李。 嬰兒車亦需按照上述準則繳付行李附加費。 殘疾乘客的輪椅及拐杖無須收費。 2. 車費收據: 每輛的士均已安裝收據打印機,乘客可向的士司機索取機印車費收據。 如無合理辯解,的士司機不得拒絕按乘客要求發出收據,否則即屬違法。 如果收據打印機失靈,的士司機應發出手寫收據。 3. 車費找續: 的士司機若未能為港幣500元或1,000元面額的紙幣提供找續,不屬違法。

  2. 2024年2月5日 · Notes to Passengers. Fare Table - Urban Taxi. Fare (HK$) First 2 kilometres or any part thereof. $ 27. Every subsequent 200 metres or part thereof, or. Every period of 1 minute waiting time or part thereof. Until the chargeable amount reaches $ 93.5. After the chargeable amount has reached $ 93.5.

  3. (Taxi fares adjusted on 17 July 2022) Estimate the fare of HK taxi with meters travelled.

  4. 2022年7月14日 · From July 17, taxi drivers have to display the fare conversion tables issued by the TD (see Annex) in the vehicle if the taximeters are yet to be adjusted to display the new fares. Taxi passengers have to pay the new fares according to the conversion tables.

  5. The fares for urban taxis have been adjusted with effect from 17 July 2022 (Sunday). Since the taximeter of this taxi has not yet been calibrated, taxi passenger is required to pay the new fare according to the conversion table below.

  6. 2024年5月14日 · The flagfall charge for the first 2km will rise from $27 to $29 for urban taxis, from $23.5 to $25.5 for New Territories (NT) taxis, and from $22 to $24 for Lantau taxis. Beyond the flagfall, the incremental charge for each 200m travelled under first-tier rates will rise from $1.9 to $2.1 for urban taxis, and from $1.7 to $1.9 for NT ...

  7. 2022年7月14日 · The Transport Department announced today that the new fares for urban, New Territories and Lantau taxis will take effect from July 17. The new flagfall charges for urban, New Territories and Lantau taxis for the first two kilometres will be $27, $23.5 and $22.

  8. 2024年5月14日 · The Government will table the Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulation 2024 at the LegCo on May 22, 2024, for negative vetting in order to adjust the taxi fares. Upon completion of the procedure, the new fares are expected to take effect

  9. 香港的士收費表 (更新至2023年12月) 市區的士. 收費(港幣). 首 2 公里或其任何部分. $27. 其後每 200 米或其部分 / 每分鐘等候時間或其部分. $1.9. 其後每 200 米或其部分 / 每分鐘等候時間或其部分 (達$93.5後) $1.3.

  10. 2022年5月10日 · The flagfall charge for the first 2km will rise from $24 to $27 for urban taxis, from $20.50 to $23.50 for New Territories (NT) taxis, and from $19 to $22 for Lantau taxis. After the flagfall, the incremental charge for the first-tier distance of each 200m will rise from $1.7 to $1.9 for urban taxis, and from $1.5 to $1.7 for NT and Lantau taxis.

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