雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 主要特點. 配合您的財務需要. 貸款最多可達月薪23倍或港幣3,000,000元,以較低者為準. 減低利息支出. 可選長達12至72個月的還款期,更特設個人化利率,助您節省每月利息支出. 申請免入息證明. 如果您經滙豐自動轉賬支薪達1個月或以上,可豁免提交入息證明. 可享特惠利率. 申請滙豐分期「萬應錢」結餘轉戶計劃即享特惠利率,更可集中償還信用卡及貸款結餘。 了解更多. 結餘轉户計劃如何助您節省開支. 貸款資源及服務. 哪一種滙豐貸款方案切合您所需? 回答數條簡單問題,以找出最切合您需要的貸款產品. 申請貸款前所需考慮的事項. 在申請貸款前,須考慮或仔細檢視的5大事項. 申請貸款時須留神的細節. 了解在申請貸款前,值得您特別注意和小心的6個要點. 申請貸款須知. 申請資格.

  2. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings. Beware of apps from sources other than your phone’s official app stores which may contain malware. From ...

  3. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with online banking 24/7, mortgages, savings, investments, credits cards, loans and insurance.

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  4. 滙豐個人網上理財 - 香港滙豐. 自2022年5月起,您將可享受更簡潔的網上理財介面及更流暢的轉賬體驗。 新介面設計將分階段推出供所有客戶使用。 了解更多. 如果您已超過12個月未有登入滙豐網上及流動理財,為保障您的戶口安全,您或無法繼續使用實體保安編碼器。 了解更多 。 香港滙豐. 多樣化理財方法. 網上理財. 查看我們的所有功能和服務列表,以了解更多. 查看我們的網上理財使用指南. 5個簡單步驟登記使用網上及流動理財. 使用滙豐個人網上理財,每天24小時快捷、方便、輕鬆管理您的戶口。

  5. Key Facts Statement (KFS) for Overdraft Facility

  6. HSBC Broking Services (Asia) Limited and its subsidiaries ("HSBC Broking") are a group of leading broker dealers in Asia, offering full investment services in stocks, bonds, currencies, precious metals, commodities and derivatives. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, a member of the HSBC ...

  7. First of all, you will need to get the Death Certificate. Together with the other additional supporting documents, we should be able to provide you with a list of bank accounts held in the name of the deceased with HSBC as at the date of death. You may then arrange to obtain either a Grant of Representation or Confirmation Notice, depending on ...

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