雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. www.clp.com.hk › en › about-clpLeadership - CLP

    Get to know the people who drive us to achieve our vision and mission with the guidance of CLP code of conduct. Check the profiles below to learn more about our directors and senior executives. CLP Power Board of Directors

    • 唐治平 profile1
    • 唐治平 profile2
    • 唐治平 profile3
    • 唐治平 profile4
    • 唐治平 profile5
  2. www.clp.com.hk › zh › about-clp卓越領導 - CLP

    卓越領導. 卓越領導對於任何機構的發展都非常重要。. 我們富有遠見的董事團隊以及充滿活力的管理團隊攜手同心,帶領我們實現願景,邁向成功之道。. 我們承諾為員工、業務相關人士及社會承擔應有的責任。. 嚴格遵從中電的紀律守則的同時,我們管理層 ...

  3. 中華電力營運總裁連勝先生讚揚四名年輕工程人員的優秀表現,認為獎項不僅對他們的努力和付出予以肯定,更標誌業界對中華電力人才培訓工作的認同。他表示:「中華電力多年來透過各項見習工程人員計劃,培育不同專業技能及崗位的電力工程人員,讓具備潛質 ...

  4. www.clp.com.hk › en › about-clpAbout CLP Power

    CLP Power Hong Kong Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLP Holdings Limited, a listed company in Hong Kong. We are one of the largest investor-owned power businesses in Asia. As a vertically integrated power utility, we cover: Power generation; Power transmission and distribution; and. Customer service.

  5. 中華電力營運總裁連勝先生對此深感鼓舞,他感謝評審給予的讚賞及肯定, 並指中華電力將會在知識管理方面持續進步,力臻世界級水平。 他表示:「中

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  7. CLP Power Hong Kong Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLP Holdings Limited. Founded in 1901, we provide electricity to more than 80% of Hong Kong’s population.

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