雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 流金歲月中的不朽華麗傳奇 大堂茶座 item 2. 備受讚賞的半島經典下午茶已成為香港的標誌。. 被譽為香港最優雅的茶聚地點之一,大堂茶座保留經典傳統,每天安排現場弦樂演奏。. 自選餐單上提供地道的英式及東南亞點心,全日供應。. 著裝要求:. 所有客人 ...

  2. A series of exclusive bespoke experience have been curated for guests to let time pause at The Peninsula as you indulge in our collection of Encounters. Different Encounters* will be available for registration each month via Peninsula Perfect Companion WeChat Mini-Programme.

  3. 香港半島酒店宣布委任歐麗娜 (Aurélie Altemaire) 為Felix餐廳主廚。. 歐麗娜以創新的烹飪技藝見稱,擁有超過20年專業廚藝經驗,足跡遍及三大洲,並曾效力多家米芝蓮星級餐廳,包括巴黎Le Bristol以及於倫敦L’Atélier de Joël Robuchon擔任主廚一職長達九年。. 歐麗娜在 ...

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. The pleasures of sipping an artisanal cocktail, or glass of fine wine or champagne, are enhanced by the cosy ambiance of The Peninsula Hong Kong’s bar – The Bar. The Peninsula Hong Kong’s highly skilled beverage team is dedicated to offering the most innovative and elevated drinking experience to our guests.

  6. 重新演繹現代亞洲的經典旅遊魅力. 開業90年,半島乃豪華酒店業翹楚,時至今天繼續為酒店奠立高水平新標準。 今年,《福布斯旅遊指南》年度星級評級名單上,半島酒店集團旗下十間半島酒店皆獲五星評級,成為《福布斯旅遊指南》評選史上初次有酒店集團旗下所有酒店均榮獲五星評級的酒店品牌。 作為旗艦酒店的香港半島延續「遠東貴婦」的傳奇,經典尊貴的氣派,高雅風采恆久雋永,融合了東西方待客之道的精髓。 下榻半島酒店,重新感受歷久常新的旅遊璀璨魅力,並觀賞酒店內擺放的眾多古蹟文物。 篩選方式. 所有. 客房. 套房. 360°. 豪華客房. 查看房間詳情. 查看客房預訂情況. 豪華客房. 豪華中庭客房. 特級豪華海景客房. 特級豪華客房. 豪華套房. 高級海景套房. 特級豪華海景套房. 豪華海景相連套房.

  7. A Dual Celebration Of Heritage And Craftsmanship: An Enduring Legacy of The Peninsula Hong Kong and The Macallan The Reach. Since The Peninsula Hong Kong first opened its doors on 11 December 1928, the “Grande Dame of the Far East” has invited guests to take part in extraordinary and memorable experiences.

  8. Enjoy the most iconic experiences of The Peninsula Hong Kong within a three-night stay with this all-encompassing offer. Your stay begins with a grand arrival at the hotel’s classical fountain forecourt in a chauffeured limousine and private in-room check-in.