雅虎香港 搜尋


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    備註: 1. 在上述的模擬例子,已假定貸款貨幣和抵押貨幣是相同。2. 市值百分比指您的投資組合的百分比變動。聲明: 上述的資料和數值並不構成對「增值投資組合」的服務作出任何推銷或招攬。上述之資料僅供參考,並不代表實際,過去或預測的表現或回報,純粹根據所提供的參數而進行計算。

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  6. Reach your financial goals—from buying a new car to starting a family. Track your progress in 7 categories - from saving for a trip to buying a new car. You can also set your total wealth target. You should seek advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding ...

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