雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 中銀集團人壽保險有限公司 (「中銀人壽」)的中銀人壽延期年金計劃 (終身) (「本計劃」) 是一項獲保險業監管局 (「保監局」)認可的合資格延期年金保險計劃,而保單權益人作為年金領取人有機會可享稅項扣減。. 本計劃提供終身年金入息及人壽保障,助您現在 ...

  2. BOC CBS Online and FI Online. Register for our online banking service and you can manage your company accounts with great ease. Upon activation of such service, you can make enquiry on your accounts and credit card balances, transfer funds, make remittance applications, place time deposits and settle your credit card and other payments.

  3. 中銀香港模擬證券投資平台 BOCHK Virtual Securities Investment Platform. 此網頁使用框架,但是您的瀏覽器並不支援。. 讓您累積智慧與經驗後再投入實戰,穩步踏上成功投資之道。.

  4. 企業網上銀行及金融機構網上銀行. 在登記及啟動網上銀行服務後,你便可隨時隨地透過網上平台查詢賬戶及信用卡賬戶結餘、進行賬戶之間的資金調撥、辦理匯款、開立及管理定期存款、繳付信用卡賬單及其他賬單,以及進行投資及貿易交易等,管理資金更 ...

  5. CBS Online | More | Online Demo - Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

  6. BOC CBS Online and FI Online. Register for our online banking service and you can manage your company accounts with great ease. Upon activation of such service, you can make enquiry on your accounts and credit card balances, transfer funds, make remittance applications, place time deposits and settle your credit card and other payments.