雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年9月1日 · Latest Update. 2024.03.14. Notice on Suspension of services due to system upgrade. In order to enhance our services, Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. will conduct system upgrade from 00:30 am to 07:30 am on Saturday 30 March 2024 (Hong Kong Time) and the following services will be suspended during this period: Signing Loan Agreement.

  2. 打開單位內所有水龍頭一分鐘,檢查來去水的顏色、水壓和水量,尤其是舊樓. 確保所有插座均有電源,而每個電源的開關掣都運作正常. 檢查爐頭可否正常運作. 多開幾次門窗,檢查順暢度、螺絲位、窗鉸和防水膠邊是否緊閉. 確保門鎖上鎖無誤,避免過鬆或過緊的情況,亦要注意關門後的門縫大小. 留意天花、冷氣、木地板和牆身等高危漏水位,有否隆起或發黑等發霉痕跡. 檢查有沒有具備入屋寬頻,特別是不少村屋可能仍未有光纖入屋. 徹底檢查門框附近有沒有木屑,皆因蟻窩一般都會藏在裏面. 留意走廊、後樓梯甚至鄰居門口的衛生狀況,見微知著,可以反映住戶質素. 租樓注意事項三:大廈配套.

  3. 特選會員優惠 為感謝您一直以來的支持,邦民現賞您尊貴的特選會員優惠。 申請貸款方法如下: 親臨任何一間邦民分行; 致電24小時會員專線 3199 1111 (按「2」使用循環貸款); 登入邦民網頁的會員專區辦理循環貸款 特選會員優惠之條款及細則︰ 特選會員須按照本條款及細則成功提取指定貸款金額 ...

  4. 若某個到期還款日屬某個日曆月第29、第30或第31,則有關到期還款日應屬在並無29、30或31的相應日曆月內的最後一個銀行結算日。 在每期分期還款內須支付的貸款及利息款額應屬在還款表內所顯示的款額。

  5. Promise provides you with a fast and convenient loan & interest calculator that makes interest estimate easier and simpler with the annual percentage rate. By simply putting in the loan amount and repayment period before loan applications, the estimated monthly repayment and interest amount can be told.

  6. 10:00pm-4:00am. Notes: All times displayed are in Hong Kong time. During the maintenance period, our 24-hour member hotline and the loan service in our member zone will not be affected (except for those who need to renew the Agreement).

  7. 一般情況下結婚禮金金額大約為婚禮花費的10%,或新郎收入金額的1至3倍。 但若然新娘家人比較傳統,對禮金的要求也可能有所不同。 過大禮的藝術 過大禮禮金Q&A