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  1. 申請信用卡迎新禮物 相關

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  1. MTR推出遊客新優惠. 優惠包括: – 於圓方商場消費港幣$ 500或以上,則有機會獲得港幣$ 500的禮券或者禮品; – 於德福廣場,青衣城,PopCorn和Citylink消費滿港幣$ 400,可獲得購物商場港幣$ 50現金禮券; 記得以上優惠只適用於購買了港鐵旅遊套票的遊客。 更多香港限時旅行優惠和折扣. 十月 8th, 2012|. 同朋友分享: Leave A Comment. 從2012年10月1日至2012年3月31日,遊客只要購買港鐵旅遊套票,包括:遊客全日通,遊客過境旅遊票和機場快線旅遊票,就可以享用港鐵提供的獨家消費奬賞。

    • Sold Tourist Octopus Card – Good Gift and Souvenir
    • How to Use The Octopus Card ?
    • Where to Add Value and How Much to Top Up on Octopus Card?
    • Where Can I Return The Octopus Card?
    • More Frequently Asked Questions About Octopus Card

    Octopus Card Ltd also prepares a special Sold Tourist Octopus Card for visitors as a perfect gift or souvenir. Unlike the Standard Octopus Card, the Sold Tourist Octopus Card is sold at the price of HK$ 39 without deposit and initial value. It means that the HK$ 39 charged for the card is the fee for the card itself and not refundable. Many people ...

    Standard Octopus Card has HK$100 initial value ready to use. If you purchase the Sold Tourist Octopus Card, you still need to reload some value first. Octopus Card is a contactless smart card. Simply swiping or “waving” the card over the fare deduction processor (card reader machine) is sufficient. Successful payment should have a sharp “beep” as s...

    Don’t worry about running out of money on the card. Recharging the card is very convenient and easy. You can either recharge your card in any MTR Customer Service Center, in-station add-value machines or numerous retailers, supermarkets, convenience stores and restaurants. Value can be added from minimum HK$ 50 up to maximum HK$ 1000each time. Ther...

    Only the Standard Octopus Cardcan be returned and refunded. Basically, you can return the Standard Octopus Card to any MTR Customer Service Center, including those in the airport. You will get back all the remaining value as well as the paid deposit (HK$ 50). A small handling fee of HK$9 will be deducted if you return your card within 3 months of p...

    Yes and No. You cannot share an Octopus Card when taking metro system since each one needs to use the card for both entering and exiting. In addition, Octopus Card machines on public transportation...
    All the Standard Octopus Card needs to pay with cash at the Customer Service Counter. It is a cash card that you can get cash refund immediately when returning the card. Thus paying with other mean...
    You can purchase the Sold Tourist Octopus Card online. Especially, if you arrive by plane and don’t want to stand in line after a long-haul flight as well as save some time, this is a perfect optio...
    The Octopus Card is valid for 1000 days and will be deactivated if within this period of time no further amount of value is added. However, you don’t need to worry if you didn’t use your card for 3...
  2. 1.) 成人卡:售價港幣$150 (預存港幣$100和港幣$50押金); 2.) 兒童卡(3-11歲):售價港幣$70 (預存港幣$20和港幣$50押金); 3.) 長者卡(65歲以上):售價港幣$70 (預存港幣$20和港幣$50押金); 兒童卡和長者卡乘搭交通工具會有優惠,但是不誠實使用兒童卡和長者卡,會處以高額的罰款(用的時候會有特別的黃燈亮起,顯示為“優惠卡”)。 租用版八達通允許有港幣$35的負金額。 但是當你的卡上餘額為負值時,你就不能繼續使用該卡。 你必須再次為卡充值,並繳清所欠金額,才能再次使用。 銷售版八達通. 銷售版的八達通一般都是限量版或者特別版的。 一般只能在特定的節日或促銷期間買到,例如中國的農歷新年就有Hello Kitty特別新年版的八達通推出。

  3. 香港購物攻略. 限時折扣和優惠活動. 香港作為一個旅遊和購物天堂,總是時不時推出各種優惠和折扣,無論是在交通,景點門票還是在購物上,香港總是不停的給你驚喜! 繼續閱讀… 在香港購物的建議. 在你開始在香港購物前,不妨先瞭解一下在香港購物有哪些需要注意的地方,如何才能更好的保護自己權益,如何分辨商品的真假。 繼續閱讀… 窮游香港之飲食篇. 除了預訂酒店,門票,交通和購物,飲食是另外一個比較花錢的地方。 香港號稱飲食天堂因為在這裡有各個不同國家的菜色。 怎樣才能利用有限的預算計劃你的香港之行呢。 繼續閱讀… 蘋果產品購買攻略.

  4. 這個三月(3月1日至31日),IFC 購物商場 為所有花旗銀行信用卡的持有者推出了一個特別優惠,在優惠期間,你有機會獲得高達港幣$ 2000的商場禮券。 消費累計達港幣$ 2000可獲得港幣$ 50的禮券。

  5. 為了慶祝山頂123年週年紀念,在優惠期間,每一個12歲至64歲的香港居民只需購買山頂纜車成人往返車票或者山頂纜車摩天套票(往返),你就可以以港幣$1的價錢為同行的一名3-11歲的小童或者65歲以上的長者買一張同類的車票一張。 同時還有一系列$1優惠活動和買到紀念車票。

  6. No matter if you like a traditional Chinese New Year settings with peach blossoms, cute cartoon characters (such as Line Friends, Duckyo, mofusand), or if you are a Daruma fan, there is something for everyone to enjoy the Spring Festival and Lunar New Year.