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    • 1. [Japan] Akihabara

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    • AKKY本店。AKKY本店是秋葉原的AKKY集團的總店。這裡出售電腦、照相機等面向海外的電器用品。
    • AKKY ⅡAKKY Ⅱ是位於秋葉原的AKKY集團下的一間店鋪。這個店鋪的特色就是,相比其他店鋪展示了很多英語版本電腦。其他還有出售海外可用的手機、香水、包包、特產等種類繁多的商品。
    • LABI秋葉原電腦城。「LABI秋葉原電腦城」是秋葉原屈指可數的種類齊全的家電量販店。B1F~5F的6層,全擺放著電腦相關的機器以及電子照相機等人氣商品。
    • sofmap總館。「sofmap 總館」是位於秋葉原電器街的家電量販店。總共7層,店內擺放有很多電腦周邊機器和相機等電器用品。店裡也有對遊客來說非常有人氣的美容家電、電視遊戲、玩具等。
    • 30 Fun Things to Do in Akihabara
    • Explore Akihabara: from The Electric Town to Manseibashi Bridge
    • Visit Kanda Myojin Shrine
    • Yodobashi Akiba: A Large-Scale Electronics Emporium
    • BIC Camera Akiba
    • Yamada Denki Concept Labi Tokyo
    • Sofmap Main Store
    • Laox Akihabara Main Store
    • Shop For Otaku Goods at Akiba Cultures Zone
    • Animate Akihabara

    Akihabara is one of the best-known places in both Tokyo and Japan for electronics and otaku* goods. Due to its close proximity to Asakusa and easy accessibility from Narita Airport and Ueno, Akihabara is an excellent hub for sightseeing and shopping. With plenty of electronics available at low prices—as well as figures and toys from anime, manga, a...

    Photo by Pixta Akihabara Electric Townis a street located just outside of JR Akihabara Station. One of the local landmarks is Akihabara Radio Kaikan, the building with a bright yellow facade; originally built in 1962, this building was home to stores selling electronic components. With the rise of anime and otaku culture, shops handling merchandise...

    Photo by Pixta Kanda Myojin Shrineboasts a history of nearly 1300 years. This shrine is dedicated to deities that protect the city of Tokyo. Easily accessible from Akihabara, a visit here is a great way to experience a Japanese shrine firsthand. Due to its close proximity to Tokyo's electronics and anime hub, the shrine itself offers unique anime c...

    Yodobashi Akibais a nine-story electronics emporium selling all the gadgets and tech products one could ever ask for and more. From Japanese rice cookers to beauty products, Yodobashi Akiba offers electronic items that are very popular among its customers—both local and overseas. In addition to home electronics, Yodobashi Akiba also offers brand-na...

    Bic Camera, a retailer specializing in electronics, also has a store in Akihabara. It sells popular Japanese household appliances such as rice cookers and beauty devices. In addition to electronics, it offers various other products including fashion brands, toys, and outdoor equipment. It is a highly popular place with a diverse range of items. If ...

    Yamada Denki Concept LABI Tokyois a comprehensive electronics retailer in Akihabara that offers a wide range of products related to computers and digital cameras. The facility also provides a tax-free counter and offers excellent service facilities for tourists visiting Japan. Yamada Denki Concept LABI Tokyo: Google Map

    Sofmap Main Storeis an electronics retailer located in Akihabara Electric Town. It consists of a total of seven floors, filled with various computer peripherals, cameras, and other electronic products. The store also offers popular items such as beauty appliances, video games, and toys that are highly sought after by tourists. It is conveniently lo...

    LAOX Akihabara Main Storeis a comprehensive electronics retailer that has chain stores all over Japan. In addition to household appliances, games, and watches, LAOX also sells jewelry. They have approximately 70,000 different types of products. This store is particularly experienced in catering to tourists visiting Japan, and its customer service c...

    AKIBA CULTURES ZONE is a six-story department store containing a large number of shops catering to those interested in otaku culture. There are subculture stores such as ACOS, which specializes in cosplay goods, to Rashinban and Animate—both offering anime merchandise. Hands down, this is a unique combination of shops you'll only find in Akihabara....

    Animate is an anime specialty store with branches all around Japan. Animate Akihabarareopened after renovations at the end of April 2023. It consists of two buildings: Animate Akihabara Building 1 and Animate Akihabara Building 2. Building 1 consists of eight floors from basement level 1 to the 7th floor. The basement floor offers audio, visual, an...

  2. 東京 秋葉原 是阿宅們熟知的街區。 近年來隨著日本動漫的人氣高漲來秋葉原觀光的外國人也逐年增加但是東京的交通十分複雜想必對於許多遊客來說如何去秋葉原也是十分頭疼的一件事這次我們以大多數遊客會去的場所為主介紹從 新宿 、 澀谷 、 上野 、 東京 各站出發到秋葉原的 電車 路線、車費還有所需時間。 更多相關文章. 【BicCamera最大17%優惠券】最新必買3C產品15選&購物攻略. 1.從新宿站到秋葉原站的路線. 新宿站 據說是世界上每日乘車人數最多的車站。 這裡是JR、私鐵、地鐵等各種鐵路的換乘點。 想要去秋葉原的話,就從JR新宿站乘坐「中央線 東京方向」的電車,到御茶水車站下車換乘JR總武線。 乘車時注意不要弄錯乘車方向。

  3. 2023年12月27日 · 動漫大樓店家全攻略 - MATCHA. 東京都 上野・淺草・秋葉原 購物 基本情報 觀光. 【秋葉原】夠宅才能穿梭自如!. 動漫大樓店家全攻略. 本服務包含贊助廣告。. 秋葉原車站周遭的動漫商圈是日本首屈一指的動漫遊戲 (ACG)流行地帶,要來個深度旅遊少說也得花個 ...

  4. 2023年12月27日 · 秋葉原無線電會館 1950年開業至今經過數次重建與翻修目前的建築是於2014年重建完成其名稱中的ラジオ」(即無線電一詞在過去曾泛指所有的電器設備在動漫文化興盛於秋葉原之前裡頭聚集的店家販賣各式各樣的電器商品隨著時代變遷這裡逐漸由經營集換式卡牌模型漫畫等店鋪取代現在館內商鋪以經營動漫相關商品為大宗。 更多相關文章. 【BicCamera最大17%優惠券】最新必買3C產品15選&購物攻略. 一樓伴手禮店滿載動漫元素. 日本到處都有伴手禮店,秋葉原也不例外。

  5. 2023年12月27日 · MATCHA小編為您介紹從周邊市區到這裡的交通方法如何低價購入心儀電器以及怎樣買到宅男系禮品等情報。 更新日期 : 2023.12.27. MATCHA. 來到秋葉原該去哪逛才好呢秋葉原 有很多電器城和適合宅男的商店可說是日本屈指可數非常有趣的街區對旅日遊客來說這裡不僅和極具人氣的淺草之間交通便利還和從成田機場出發到達極其便利的上野也鄰近。 可以說是非常適合遊客的觀光地。 想要買到便宜的電器商品,或者給宅男系的伴手禮,玩具等作為特產,那麽秋葉原就是您的必去之地! 小編向您詳細介紹觀光秋葉原時必備情報。 更多相關文章. 【BicCamera最大17%優惠券】最新必買3C產品15選&購物攻略. 秋葉原的交通.

  6. 2022年5月23日 · 第二天向著宅男宅女的聖地秋葉原出發吧當然不能錯過穿著女僕裝為您親切服務的女僕咖啡聽午餐時間了“@ほぉむカフェ女僕咖啡館還提供英文菜單訪日遊客盡可放心盡情享受哦周邊出售動漫商品的商店和大型家電店雲集

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