雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 在這些打卡熱點留下足跡的同時,別忘了將當下的京都美照傳到IG或臉書,和朋友們一起分享京都的迷人風貌,也為下一次的京都旅行勾勒出美好回憶喲!

  2. 2018年4月20日 · Learning Japanese has been made easy and fun with the help of these four Instagram accounts for Japanese study. Everyone has different ways of learning the language, but anyone can benefit from integrating as much Japanese into their daily lives as possible. And what better way to learn than by scrolling through social media! Start with the Basics.

  3. 2017年12月4日 · 10 Totally Instagram-Worthy Spots in Japan. pixabay.com. From Hokkaido to Okinawa, Japan's scenery, temples, food and street scenes just beg you to take a snapshot. Among the many lovely sights, these 10 are sure to not only be highlights of your visit, but also thrill those you share them with! Art Aquarium at Coredo Muromachi in Tokyo.

  4. 位於神奈川縣鎌倉市長谷的日本民宿「aiaoi」,正是這樣一家打破旅行時「反日常」幻象的宜居之所。 店內店外,你所體驗的,就是街巷裡,海岸邊,當地人的,日常。 從JR鎌倉站起,乘坐江之電只需5分鐘,便能告別景區,來到鎌倉的日常。 請從這裡帶走點什麼. http://aiaoi.net/ 由店主小室剛和裕子這對夫婦所經營的這家民宿,只因他們想讓更多人體驗「鎌倉的日常」。 Hotel aiaoi 本身不大,只有6間客房,廁所浴室共用,每間客房裡,除了最基本最基本的生活用品外,你找不到任何容易更換,像是牙刷等的一次性物品。 但民宿主人會在店裡出售兩人都心愛的手工製馬毛牙刷,因為藉由購入就不會隨手扔掉的習慣,即使帶回家後還會很珍惜地使用,如此的鎌倉日常也就自然成了你的日常。

  5. 2017年12月4日 · We're rounding up the most stylish cafés in Tokyo to snap an Instagram-worthy moment to post on your feed and impress your friends.

  6. I bounced back and forth between Japan and the USA starting in 2008, wound up on the JET Programme in 2011, and ended up in St Louis in 2015. I'm currently involved with the St Louis-Suwa City Sister Cities Program, so cheers to my favorite prefecture, Nagano! 沖繩縣位於日本領土的最南端,有著古老獨特的文化。 美麗的沙灘、湛藍的海水在陽光下閃耀著如藍寶般的光芒,成為海外觀光客心中的度假勝地。

  7. 2017年12月4日 · Tokyo is great, there’s no doubt about that, but sometimes you just want to escape and see another side of Japan. And we’re here to help you do just that with these easy day-trips from Tokyo that are perfect for your Instagram feed.

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