雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港特別行政區政府衞生署衞生防護中心-2017年心臟病健康資訊(https://www.chp.gov.hk/tc/ healthtopics/content/25/57.html)4.香港特別行政區政府衞生署香港健康寶庫-二零一六年男性及女性的首10類致命疾病(https://www.healthyhk.gov.hk/ phisweb/zh/healthy_facts/disease_burden/major_causes_death ...

  2. 計劃概覽. 註: 適用於「尊貴計劃(環球)」。 適用於「尊貴計劃(環球)」及「卓越計劃(環球-美國除外)」。 調整自負額保證讓受保人可於年滿50歲、55歲、60歲或65歲生日後的保單年度,以終身計限1次可毋須提交健康申報而可以提升至較低的自負額計劃。 保費會因所選擇自負額計劃金額及當時實際年齡而相應調整。 預先批核「出院免結賬服務」的承保責任只限於符合本計劃規定的合資格醫療費用,並會向受保人收取一切已繳付但不屬保單受保範圍的醫療費用 (如有)。 保證終身續保,而中銀集團保險有限公司保留對所有「中銀環球醫療保障計劃」保單作核保、修改條款及/或調整保費及最高賠償額的權利。 本計劃設定的基本投保條件是在保單年度內受保人必須居住於香港特別行政區或澳門特別行政區6個月或以上。

  3. 醫療保障:員工及其家屬可享有中、西醫門診及住院保障,亦享有物理治療、脊醫、跌打、針灸、專科、分娩保障及牙醫等醫療福利。 同時,我們亦定期安排員工進行免費的身體檢查及舉辦健康講座. 有薪假期:員工可享用年度休假、婚假、產假、侍產假、關愛假、病假、社會服務假及生日假等有薪假期. 設有飯堂或提供午膳津貼:員工可於飯堂用膳或領取午膳津貼. 列印.

  4. Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited ("BOCG Insurance") is delighted to present BOC Medical Comprehensive Protection Plan (Series 1) ("the Plan") that offers you and your family a comprehensive medical protection. The Plan puts three basic benefits including Hospital and Surgical, Supplementary Major Medical and Hospital Cash under one ...

  5. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank.

  6. Key features of the Plan. Period of insurance of the Plan is 1 year, and the Plan offers guaranteed renewal on yearly basis to 100 years old 1. Tax deduction 2. Coverage extended to include unknown pre-existing condition (s) 3. Covers day case surgery 4 performed in a hospital or clinical surgery at clinic 4.

  7. Medical and Accident Protection. To protect yourself and your family from any tragic affairs which may result in financial loss, personal injury or even death, we present you with our wide range of Medical Insurance and Accident Insurance covers. More.

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