雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. You may enjoy securities trading services anytime, anywhere with your "Family Securities Accounts" via Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Automated Stock Trading Hotline, manned investment trading hotline and at any of our branches.

  2. 「中銀理財」提供家庭保障及家庭理財方案,涵蓋各類保險、家庭證券及基金投資規劃,全面整合及管理家庭財富,守護中 ...

  3. 「中银理财」提供家庭保障及家庭理财方案,涵盖各类保险、家庭证券及基金投资规划,全面整合及管理家庭财富,守护中老少。

  4. 詳情. 人民幣兌換限制風險 (只適用於個人客戶) 人民幣投資受匯率波動影響而可能產生獲利機會及虧損風險。 客戶如將人民幣兌換為港幣或其他外幣時,可能受人民幣匯率變動而蒙受虧損。 目前人民幣並非完全可自由兌換,個人客戶可以通過銀行賬戶進行人民幣兌換匯率是人民幣 (離岸)匯率,是否可以全部或即時辦理,須視乎當時銀行人民幣頭寸情況及其商業考慮。 客戶應事先考慮及瞭解因此在人民幣資金方面可能受到影響。 人民幣兌換限制風險 (只適用於企業客戶) 人民幣投資受匯率波動影響而可能產生獲利機會及虧損風險。 客戶如將人民幣兌換為港幣或其他外幣時,可能受人民幣匯率變動而蒙受虧損。

  5. Finance Academy provides you with easy-understanding information, including videos, life examples and stories that helps you to obtain basic knowledge of investment and insurance, and build up the concept of wealth management.

  6. This page is issued by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited. Its contents have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. Wealth Management offers you the finest wealth management and investment services. Click to learn more about the services and offers.

  7. BOC CBS Online and FI Online. Register for our online banking service and you can manage your company accounts with great ease. Upon activation of such service, you can make enquiry on your accounts and credit card balances, transfer funds, make remittance applications, place time deposits and settle your credit card and other payments.

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