雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 「中銀理財」提供家庭保障及家庭理財方案,涵蓋各類保險、家庭證券及基金投資規劃,全面整合及管理家庭財富,守護中老少。

  2. Preferential fee. There is no charge for opening "Family Securities Accounts", and the custodian fee of "Family Securities Accounts" can be waived. For further information, please visit any of our branches or call our Personal Customer Service Hotline at +852 3988 2388. Terms and Conditions of Family Securities Accounts.

  3. Comprehensive Service Channels Your every need is catered to through our extensive service network, exclusive access to the Wealth Management centers and designated branches, exclusive Wealth Management priority counter services, 24-hour manned phone banking services, international toll-free hotline, and Online and Mobile Banking services.

  4. 是時候開始教育子女儲蓄,以及自主運用自己賬戶,陪伴他們經歷第一次自主理財。 子女只需年滿11歲,即可選用「自在理財」服務,讓您子女擁有屬於自己賬戶及提款卡,從小培育儲蓄習慣,學習管理開支,為規劃未來踏出第一步。 擁有第一張屬於自己提款卡 理財初體驗. 養成儲蓄習慣 積少成多. 為子女籌劃未來及提供周全保障. 自在e生活. 18歲以下客戶開戶須知. 一般條款: 本行提供「自在理財」服務只適用於個人銀行客戶。 上述產品、服務與優惠受有關條款約束,詳情請參閱相關宣傳品或向本行職員查詢。 本行保留隨時修訂、暫停或取消上述產品、服務與優惠以及修訂有關條款酌情權。 如有任何爭議,本行保留最終決定權。 如中、英文版本有任何歧異,概以中文版本為準。 關於「學宜無憂留學保險」重要事項:

  5. Please bring along below documents for your children’s account opening: 1. Children’s identity document e.g. HKID Card 2. Parent's identity document Build you family's goal with “PlanAhead” and construct diversified portfolios with “Smart Invest”, you and your aged ...

  6. Finance Academy. Want to manage your wealth by yourself but no way to begin with? Finance Academy provides you with easy-understanding information, including videos, life examples and stories that helps you to obtain basic knowledge of investment and insurance, and build up the concept of wealth management.

  7. Financial Institutions Online (FI Online) At BOCHK, we understand the need to act fast in a changing financial market. By combining the strength of advanced technology and secure internet security applications, the BOCHK FI Online enables financial institutions to manage their BOCHK accounts online any time beyond geographical boundaries.

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