雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. model HMON: Implements a long-term strategy at NCEP/EMC for multiple static and moving nesting capability, with one- and two-way interaction and coupling to other earth-

  2. 系集預報的應用翻轉了對颱風與豪雨定量 降水預報的傳統框架,而使得定量降水預 報技術的發展進入了一個全新的領域。. 52. 路徑預報誤差 • 導致實際降水熱區定 量降水預報的低估 • 非降水熱區有高估的 趨勢. 53. NORTH. Best SOUTH. 852. 884 400~700 ~400. 問題是 ...

  3. 首先登入中央氣象局網站(www.cwb.gov.tw),點開【海象】進入【即時海況】即可連結至航行海象,在【航行海象】中可得知CWB-OCM作業化海流模式的海流預報資訊,其包含表面海流與水下10米處海流流況。另外,也可在氣象局首頁網站中點開【資料】,選擇 ...

  4. ISSN 1019-6307 中華民國 10 3 年 氣候資料年報 第二部分–高空資料 CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA ANNUAL REPORT 2014 PART II –UPPER AIR DATA103 Meisei RD-65A3 RS2-80MB Vaisala RT-20A RS80-67 99 8 1 Vaisala MW31 RS92-SGPD 00 12 P( hPa) T

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  7. greatly from year to year, and model’s outlook is highly uncertain, the CWB will keep updating its forecast to provide essential reference for water resource management. The CWB reminds the public that, as the coming months will likely see frequent cold air