雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 漫步在今日的鞆之浦,四處可見寫著「保命酒」三字的看板。所謂的保命酒,是350年前,結合鞆之浦當地產酒,以及漢方醫藥知識,而誕生的藥用酒。製酒的主要材料為焼酎、米、米麴,以及添加13種中藥材,正式名為「十六味地黃保命酒」。

  2. 鎌倉是距離新宿約1個半小時車程的古都,環山靠海,也曾是日本幕府的中心地,現今則是東京人假日非常喜歡前往遊玩閒逛的地方。從鎌倉車站出來沿著小町一路向鶴岡八幡宮的表參道走去,從經典可樂餅到絕品肉包、糯米糰子到吸睛的醋飯杯,沿途琳瑯滿目的美味小吃就算空著肚子也吃不完 ...

  3. 2019年1月23日 · In the lilting tones of the Kyoto dialect, Tomitsuyu explains why she chose to return to Japan and become a geiko after experiencing the world outside Japan. “There were many international students from various countries at the school I attended, including Germany, Brazil and China,” she recalls. “They all knew about their own countries ...

  4. 5. 日本乳酸菌波仔糖. 日本超常見的一款乳酸菌糖果,價格超親民,味道也是酸奶味,幾乎人人都吃過。. 大家都知道乳酸菌對身體很好,吃這款糖的時候一邊享受美味一邊有益身體。. 女孩子多吃些含有乳酸菌的食品還可以促進腸道蠕動從而減肥噢,小朋友吃這 ...

  5. 位於茨城縣太平洋沿岸正中央的大洗町,是個富有海港風情的優閒小鎮,町內的茨城港讓小鎮別有韻味,狹長的淺海灘適合安靜慢活,港口船家每日提供新鮮海鮮魚獲、鮟鱇魚料理、吻魚丼飯,讓人一吃就愛上。. 如果要形容大洗町是一個怎麼樣的地方,就 ...

  6. 2018年1月1日 · Address: 17 Hakone, Hakone Town, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa. Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. www.thekanert.com. Hakone 'yosegi zaiku' is a kind of woodworking technique typically used to make puzzle boxes with elaborate opening mechanisms. Not only do they make a great gift—at the Hakone Trick Museum you can even make one of your own!

  7. 2018年6月18日 · The key area to hit is Tsukishima Nishinaka-dori (月島西仲通り), more often simply called Tsukishima Monja Street (月島もんじゃストリート), a shopping street with over 80 monja shops in a 500-meter (547-yd) stretch. If you get off at Tsukishima Station and take Exit 7, you'll be right at the head of the street.