雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 成功案例. 生活需要靈活,邦民貸款適用於大專學生,助大學生渡過一時難關。. 梁先生. 20歲,大專生. 有關大專學生貸款的資訊,最初是從中學的師兄口中得知。. 他分享自己中學至大學的心路歷程,當中一句令我頗有印象,他說「現實生活是殘酷的,以往在 ...

  2. 根據QS 世界大學排名2024澳洲有九間大學名列世界前100位當中包括墨爾本大學新南威爾斯大學悉尼大學澳洲國立大學等等優異教學和研究品質可見一斑難怪成為許多人心目中的留學首選除了教育水平澳洲留學更有其他方面的優勢

  3. Online Enquiry. Promise’s branches are all over Hong Kong, including Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, Kwun Tong, etc. Find your local branch now. Call our hotline at 31991199 or apply online.

  4. Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd is a 100% wholly owned overseas subsidiary of SMBC Consumer Finance (hereinafter "SMBCCF"), one of the leading consumer finance institutions in Japan. Established as a licensed money lender in Hong Kong in 1992, Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd inherits the experience of SMBCCF in credit management, operation management ...

  5. Promise provides 24-hour quick and easy online loan services, allowing you to complete loan procedures anytime and anywhere. From application, to contract signing and fund transfer, the entire loan process can be completed on Promise's 24/7 online lending platform. You can even borrow money online late at night, or on weekends to solve your ...

  6. 電話申請. 除了24 x7網上貸款平台,透過邦民貸款服務申請專線,辦理貸款申請借錢。. 申請會由專人接聽跟進,詳細講解貸款的條款及細則,並特快得出批核結果,減少貸款煩憂。. 星期一至五9:00AM - 7:00PM. 星期六9:00AM - 5:30PM . 現有客戶如果辦理循環貸款,亦可 ...

  7. Flexibility is key in life. PROMISE's loans are applicable for university students as well, helping them get through times of hardship. Mr. Leung, 20 years old, Tertiary Student I have compared personal loan solutions which offer express approval from several loan providers, and applying via PROMISE's online platform is definitely the simplest and most convenient!