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  2. Ming Pao’s Digital Product Portfolio

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  4. 本網站為明報網站。明報新聞網自1995年推出以來,一直為全球華人提供最具公信力的新聞資訊。明報網站是一個大型綜合入門網站,現設有多個獨立主題網站,涵蓋新聞、時事、財經、健康、教育、科技、旅遊、娛樂、生活等題材,為讀者提供高質素的內容及網上增值服務。

  5. Ming Pao’s Digital Profile. Mingpao’s Mobile Website & Apps Audience. Rank #6 in News/Information Category in Hong Kong. Source: comScore Mobile Metrix, Unique Visitors, March 2018, Hong Kong. Mobile Metrix in Hong Kong uses comScore’s census-based methodology that reports on only tagged entities.

  6. www.mingpao.com › htm › saleskit明報網站資料

    明報旗下有多個數碼平台,包括桌面/手機網站、智能手機/平版電腦應用程式及社交媒體,為廣告客戶提供多元的渠道接觸不 ...

  7. www.mingpao.com › htm › saleskit明報網站資料

    Objective: To draw the public attention of Mingpao OL website revamp. The “Street Sorcerers of Hong Kong”, Louis Yan was invited by Mingpao OL to attend the event “Chat in the Magic Moment”. It was an integrated marketing campaign, including ...

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