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    IPA [ˈkætərækt]

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    • 1. 大瀑布
    • 2. 急流; 傾盆大雨


  2. 「囊外白內障摘除手術」 (Extra-capsular Cataract Extraction ) 現時囊外摘除術一般會應用於非常「熟」或比較特殊 的白內障個案。 醫生會在眼角膜邊緣切開一個較長的傷口 (約七至八毫米長),將晶體一次過推出眼球外 ,晶體的外囊會被保存以便承托植入的人工晶體。

  3. 2021年7月12日 · 白內障是什麼?. 正常情況下,透明的水晶體可讓光線通過,並藉由折射聚焦讓影像呈現在視網膜上。. 當水晶體中的水分和蛋白質,因老化、疾病或是外力等因素,凝結形成不透明的物體、導致水晶體混濁,對光線到達視網膜造成干擾,導致視野變得模糊不清 ...

  4. A cataract scatters and blocks the light as it passes through the lens. This prevents a sharply defined image from reaching your retina. As a result, your vision becomes blurred.

  5. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › CataractCataract - Wikipedia

    60 million (2015) [ 6 ] A cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of the eye that leads to a decrease in vision of the eye. [ 1 ][ 7 ] Cataracts often develop slowly and can affect one or both eyes. [ 1 ]

  6. 白內障(拉丁語: cataract )是因為眼睛 水晶體混濁而造成視力缺損的疾病 [1],可能侵犯單眼或雙眼 [1]。 症狀包含彩度降低、視線模糊、近視增加、復視、光源產生光暈、 畏光 ,以及黑暗環境下視覺障礙 [ 1 ] 。

  7. 甚麽是白內障. 我們眼球的晶體就像相機鏡頭,負責將影像準確地投射到視網膜上。. 隨著年紀的增長,晶體自然老化,晶狀蛋白發生化學變化而變得不透明,阻礙光線進入。. 當晶體變得不透明時,則稱為白內障。. 嚴重的白內障用肉眼都可見,瞳孔位置會由 ...

  8. 2023年10月16日 · A cataract is when your eye's natural lens becomes cloudy. Proteins in your lens break down and cause things to look blurry, hazy or less colorful. Skip to main content

  9. 人工晶體 透過手術時植入合適的人工晶體,可矯正術前的近視、遠視或散光。矯正老花人工晶體可讓您清晰地看到遠近事物,從而消除或大大減低對戴老花眼鏡的依賴。視乎術前計劃及術後屈光情況,您仍可能需要戴眼鏡或隱形眼鏡以矯正餘下的屈光不正。

  10. A cataract is defined as any opacification of the eye's crystalline lens, and any of these changes that then lead to a degradation in the optical quality of the lens can cause visual symptoms. As there are a wide variety of cataract types, there is a large spectrum

  11. What is cataract? An opacified lens in the eye is a cataract. The eye is similar to a camera, light rays are focused by the lens onto the retina in order to form a sharp image. When a lens becomes opacified, the image formed will be blurred. The commonest

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