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    KK [gæsˋtrɑskəpɪ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 胃鏡檢查(法)

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  2. Colonoscopy and gastroscopy are the best ways to detect colorectal cancer and stomach cancer respectively. Not only can they allow appropriate treatments at an early stage, but they can also help prevent the development of cancer.

  3. 您為什麼需要接受胃鏡檢查?. 如病人出現噁心、嘔吐、吞嚥困難、胃灼熱、持續不退的上腹疼痛、原因不明的體重下降和腹脹等症狀,醫生可能會建議進行胃鏡檢查。. 患有潰瘍或具瘜肉病史的患者也可進行胃鏡以作常規檢查,以確定是否患有胃癌,以及檢測 ...

  4. 當發現有貧血或吐血、胃痛、胃酸倒流、吞嚥困難和消化不良等徵狀,如腸胃肝臟科醫生懷疑患者患有食道癌、胃癌疾病、肝硬化、上消化道潰瘍或腹痛。胃鏡過程, 為病者喉嚨局部噴霧麻醉及鎮靜劑注射, 再把胃鏡由口部通過食道再進入胃部 。胃鏡檢查前後護理, 患者需於胃鏡檢查前的六小時開始 ...

  5. 胃鏡檢查gastroscopy或稱上腔內視鏡檢查upper endoscopy是利用一條柔軟可彎曲的內視鏡由口腔進入可以診斷上腔消化道包括食道胃及十二指腸部位疾病比傳統X光檢查更準確發現致病原因。. 醫生檢查時可通過各種輔助儀器,從食道壁、胃壁或 ...

  6. 胃內視鏡檢查 (胃鏡) Gastroscopy. 胃癌在香港最常見癌症中排第六位,2019年有1303宗新確診個案。. 另外,胃癌是香港癌症死亡率的第六位。. 在2020年,胃癌死亡個案為613宗,佔本地全部癌症死亡個案4.1%。. 有不少人因為工作壓力、食不定時等原因出現胃痛,加上 ...

  7. 胃鏡檢查gastroscopy)[或稱上腔內視鏡檢查upper endoscopy)]是診斷上腔消化道包括食道胃及十二指腸部位疾病的最佳方法。 相比傳統X光檢查,胃鏡檢查除了能更準確發現致病原因外,亦可通過各種輔助儀器,對病源作活組織化驗及進行治療。

  8. 2023年3月28日 · Gastroscopy is a test to look inside the gullet (oesophagus), the stomach and the first part of the gut (small intestine) known as the duodenum. Note: the information below is a general guide only. The arrangements, and the way tests are performed, may vary between different hospitals and areas.

  9. amc.hkbh.org.hk › service › gastroscopyGastroscopy | HKBH

    W hat is Gastroscopy? Also known as Upper Endoscopy, it is a diagnostic procedure to examine the oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum. If any abnormality is detected, biopsy or therapeutic procedure may be carried out during the procedure.

  10. Gastroscopy is a safe and non-invasive examination to visualise the lining of the oesophagus (food pipe), stomach and small intestine. It uses a long and flexible tube called a gastroscope. The gastroscope is inserted through the mouth and carefully pushed

  11. 1-631, 1-632. 上消化道內視鏡 ( (o)esophagogastroduodenoscopy、panendoscopy、Stomach/upper (GI) endoscopy、gastroscopy、),也稱為 胃鏡 、 食道鏡 、 十二指腸鏡 ,是醫用 內視鏡 ,用於觀察至 十二指腸 的上 消化道 部分。. 上消化道內視鏡屬於 微創 觀察,因為其無需在 人體 上 ...

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