雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. What is Octopus Card? Is it necessary for tourists to get an Octopus Card? Best Octopus Card for tourists and where to buy. Standard Octopus – On-Loan Octopus Card. Sold Tourist Octopus Card. Rental Octopus Card with 8-day SIM card. How to use Octopus Card ? Where to add value and how to check balance? Return Octopus Card and get refund.

  2. 八達通智能卡(Octopus Card) – 旅行香港常見問題. Search for: 同朋友分享:. FacebookTwitterReddit. 香港八達通智能卡是世界上最早的非接觸式智能卡。香港的各大商店,超市,火車,地鐵,巴士等等系統中都普遍應用八達通卡,此外八達通卡還可以用在自動售貨機 ...

  3. 不過,如果你在香港街頭溜達,你也許會留意到一種特別設計的小車,白色為主的車身,藍色的車頂和紅色的車頭,從車上傳出音樂盒般的清脆的音樂。. 小車的車身寫著“Mister Softee”,現在已更名為“Mobile Softee”。. 這些設計別致的小車不僅僅是售賣雪糕的 ...

  4. Currently, three banks are allowed to issue currency notes: The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. (HSBC), the Standard Chartered Bank and the Bank of China (Hong Kong) (BOC). All issued bank notes are fully backed by the US dollar reserves held by the Exchange Fund.

  5. Currently, about 170 countries and territories can visit Hong Kong on a visa-free basis for business, social or leisure purposes. Depending on which nationality you hold, visitors will be granted a tourist visa for 7-180 days.

  6. 香港一日遊. 如果你只有一天的時間在香港,不妨考慮一下我們以下的建議。. 香港雖然不大,但是還是有很多經典的景點的。. 所以這一日游可不會輕鬆,出行前記得穿一雙舒服的鞋,不要忘記了拿上相機。. 香港的天氣多變,記得帶上一把伸縮傘,下雨擋雨 ...

  7. Hong Kong Tourism Board launches Discover Hong Kong pre-paid SIM Card package for tourists that users can enjoy unlimited local voice calls and unlimited PCCW Wi-Fi network.