雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. LKF Tower is a mixed use building located at the hub of Lan Kwai Fong in Central, Hong Kong. It is widely recognized as a premier lifestyle building within the district with award winning restaurants occupying the lower levels.

  2. LKF Tower位處中環蘭桂坊的心臟地帶,為一幢綜合式發展項目,是著名消閒飲食娛樂熱點,商業部份由多間得奬餐廳進駐;高層部份前身為隆堡蘭桂坊酒店,現正進行改造寫字樓工程,預計於2018年開幕。. LKF Tower 為集團早年以土地併購方式,將六棟舊樓合併,重新 ...

  3. californiatower.com › homeCALIFORNIA TOWER

    For almost three decades, the iconic California Tower has been synonymous with fine dining, extraordinary entertainment, and world-class nightlife. In 2016 Lan Kwai Fong’s premier landmark was revamped once again with brand new restaurants, bars, clubs and lifestyle brands. MORE.

  4. 46-50 德己立街. 中環, 香港島. 香港島中區中環德己立街55號【業主和地產代理可免費放兩個盤】,德己立街55號 (LKF Tower)是一座24層高的寫字樓,入伙年份:2004.

  5. Porterhouse - Seafood & Steak. 蘭桂坊德己立街30-32號加州大廈7樓. 中環 / 西式 / 海鮮 / $401-800. 371. 24. 8折優惠 賞每位$1/每次15+另賺10或20. 訂座.

  6. 46-50 DAguilar Street. Central, Hong Kong Island. Landlords & Agents can list 2 properties for FREE. at LKF Tower (德己立街55號) which is a Commercial Building located at 55 DAguilar Street, Central, Central District, Hong Kong Island.

  7. 這間位於LKF Tower的動感夜店會播放多種風格的音樂,包括R&B、迪斯可、浩室、雷鬼及薩爾薩。Cassio經常邀請知名DJ現場表演,譬如Djuma SoundSystem和從布魯克林遠道而來的Bedouin,都曾受邀在此打碟助興。

  8. 2020年12月2日 · Poem ( 中環 ) LKF tower 出名多好西,今次去左位於5樓嘅Poem- 主打香港少見嘅印尼菜🇮🇩亦都係小編初嘗印尼菜🥰先講環境真係無得輸,打造成峇里風情一樣,古色古香之餘非常典雅,main dining area個盞大吊燈十分搶鏡,未食野已經影左唔少🤣 . 今次籍住 unitedwedine 試左佢 ...

  9. With its newly renovated communal spaces, 33WS aims to foster a strong sense of community, encouraging networking, idea sharing, and the cross-pollination of brilliant ideas. Formerly known as LKF Tower, 33 Wyndham Street is a dynamic and energetic space that brings together entrepreneurial spirits and creative minds.

  10. 想在中環租彈活辦公室?立即上Workspace Asia查看LKF Tower共享辦公室價格及環境資料。服務式辦公室 - 每人$5,150起,流動辦公桌 - 每人$3,280起,專用辦公桌 - 每人$4,480起。

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