雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港中文大學工商管理碩士,亞洲領先之選,7,000+校友見證我們的卓越。課程強調金融、科技、創新,融合最新商業趨勢、尖端管理理論及實踐經驗。不論晉升或創業,我們提供所需知識、技能及人脈。報名中大MBA課程,開啟成功之路!

  2. 不少人踏入職場一段時間後,都會糾結應否進修工商管理碩士 (MBA) 課程,突破現有的發展瓶頸。甚麼人士適合修讀工商管理碩士?全球和本港最優秀的院校有哪些?MBA課程的學費又是多少?Preface馬上和你一起了解更多!

  3. 工商管理碩士(英語: Master of Business Administration,簡稱:MBA),又称企業管理碩士、經營管理碩士,是商學院或管理學院為培養能夠勝任企業經營與管理工作的人才而設置的專業學位,提供商學相關領域課程給大學畢業和在職人士進修。 研究領域包括管理學及組織行為學、財務管理及會計學、行銷 ...

  4. 2021年3月22日 · HKU MBA offers top mba programmes in Asia, delivering top-notch education, real-world experience, global business insights, and cultural appreciation. HKU’s international MBA programme is designed to give you a first-class education, real-world experience, a ...

  5. 2023年8月15日 · HKU MBA offers top-ranked MBA programmes. Explore the no. 1 MBA programme in Hong Kong, renowned for its excellence and global recognition. HKU’s international MBA programme is designed to give you a first-class education, real-world experience, a deep ...

  6. Unlock your full potential with the CUHK MBA Programme. Whether you choose our full-time or part-time option, you'll receive world-class leadership training and global learning opportunities to propel your career to new heights.

  7. HKUST's MBA program aim to address the future of living, work and people, providing you with the knowledge and skills necessary to anticipate and shape the future of business. Become a change leader, make a lasting difference.

  8. 2023年8月11日 · Designed by a world-class, award-winning faculty, the Full-time MBA curriculum not only provides students with a first-class experience, but also equips them with real-world knowledge and deep understanding of Asian and international business. Tenth-time No.1 in ...

  9. Full-time MBA – London Track, New York Track, Hong Kong/China Track The full-time HKU Master of Business Administration (MBA) curriculum is designed to provide students with a first-class education, real-world experience, a deep understanding of Asia and international business, and a sincere appreciation of cultural differences.

  10. 香港大学的大湾区(香港-深圳)兼读制MBA课程旨在帮助您于2年课程期间了解、管理和运用该地区充满活力和发展快速的商业环境,同时为您在香港和深圳工作与学习之间取得平衡提供最大的灵活性。 在职MBA大湾区(深圳香港)模式以两周一次的模式上课,适用于核心课及选修课。

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