雅虎香港 搜尋

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  2. One Innovale 位於新界 粉嶺 / 粉嶺北 / 沙頭角 / 打鼓嶺 (美聯分區) 馬適路8號,於2022年6月開始落成,屋苑分為3期,由5座樓宇組成,共有1,576個單位。. 設有開放式至4房間隔,實用面積為158至1,054平方呎,屋苑內設有會所、泳池、兒童設施、運動設施、娛樂設施、餐 ...

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  5. Explore detailed property and area information for Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 (Bel-Air On The Peak). Sales, rentals, prices, and more. Fast property search. Midland Realty - your one-stop solution for buying, renting, and more.

  6. Residence Bel-Air Phase 1 is located at 28 Bel-Air Avenue, Residence Bel-Air, Hong Kong Island. The developer is PACIFIC CENTURY, the Occupation date starts from June 2004. It consists of 7 buildings with a total of 544 residential units. There are Clubhouse, Swimming Pool, Kids' Facilities, Sports Facilities, Entertainment Facilities, Catering ...

  7. 美聯物業網羅全港大量優質筍盤,盤源遍佈香港島、九龍及新界。無論您想搵一二手樓盤、居屋或租盤,美聯的個人化智能搜索功能助您跨區搵筍盤,節省時間,原來網上搵樓及租樓可以咁輕鬆簡單!