雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. people 意思是「人們」或「大家」。 除了正式文件, 大多數情況下,都會用 people 當作 person 的複數 。 people 的使用方式很簡單,單數情況時是 one person,當兩人或兩人以上時,就可以用數字或 many、some 等 數量詞 搭配 people,例如 two people、some people。 Over one hundred people took part in the singing competition. 超過一百個人參加這場歌唱比賽。 Many people spend lots of time on their mobile phones these days. 現今許多人花大量的時間在手機上。

  2. 2020年5月1日 · Person. A person is a human man, woman, or child. It is a singular countable noun. 一個 「person」 可以是一個男人、女人或小孩,它是單數名詞。 There was one person at the door. When did you see this suspicious person?

  3. 2021年9月24日 · ‘Staffer’ 這個單數名詞則可用來表示「一個僱員」,多用在政府組織與媒體公司,在新聞中也是挺常見的。 現今,很多字典都已將‘staffer’列為正規英語, 然而,亦有一些比較傳統的英語使用者認為 ‘staffer’ 屬於非正式用語,他們會比較傾向使用 ‘staff member’或 ‘staff person’ 。 例句一: Congrats to Janice, our staffer of the week! 祝賀我們本周的員工 Janice! 例句二: Our staffer Chris has management authority over our editorial and writing departments. 我們的員工Chris擁有編輯部和寫作部的管理權。

  4. n. people. 联想词. tribes 部落; indigenous 土生土长的; tribe 部落; countrymen 国; aboriginal 最早就存在的,最早就有的; tribal 部落的; kingdoms 王国; clans 宗族; citizens 市; those 那 的; Africans 非洲人; 英语例句库. 1. the indigenous peoples of Siberia. 西伯利亚本地人。 2. the native peoples of Canada. 加拿大的土著 族。 3. the peoples of various countries. 各国人. 4. Some peoples are yellow races. 有 族是黄色人种。

  5. the people. C1. the large number of ordinary men and women who do not have positions of power in society. 人民,平民,民眾,老百姓. She claims to be the voice of the people. 她自稱是老百姓的代言人。 The president has lost the support of the people. 總統失去了人民的支持。 the people's Princess 平民王妃. someone's people informal. the people someone is related to. 家人,親人,家屬.

  6. 2 天前 · Person. A person is a human man, woman, or child. It is a singular countable noun. 一个 “person” 可以是一个男人、女人或小孩,它是单数名词。 There was one person at the door. When did you see this suspicious person?

  7. 2008年5月8日 · people 表示“人”时,是一个只表示复数意义的可数名词,且不用词尾 -s ,如可以说 some people ( 一些人) , many people ( 许多人) 等,但不能说 a people 或 one people 。 但是,若 people表示“民族”,则为可数名词,此时不仅可与不定冠词连用,而且可以有复数形式。 如:The Chinese are a hard-working people. 中国人是一个勤劳的民族。 The peoples of the world are against it. 世界各国人民都反对它。 The English-speaking peoples share a common language. 讲英语的各民族拥有共同的语言。

  8. 释义. n. 民族( people的名词复数 ); 种族. 大小写变形: Peoples. 实用场景例句. 全部. The subject peoples of her empire were anxious for their own independence. 她的帝国中被迫向她臣服的民族迫切渴望自身的独立。 柯林斯例句. The study theorizes about the role of dreams in peoples' lives. 这项研究从理论上说明了梦在人们生活中的作用。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 There are frequent contacts between the peoples of the two countries. 两国人民之间交往频繁.

  9. the people. C1. the large number of ordinary men and women who do not have positions of power in society. 人民,平民,民众,老百姓. She claims to be the voice of the people. 她自称是老百姓的代言人。 The president has lost the support of the people. 总统失去了人民的支持。 the people's Princess 平民王妃. someone's people informal. the people someone is related to. 家人,亲人,家属.

  10. the people. C1. the large number of ordinary men and women who do not have positions of power in society. 人民,平民,民眾,老百姓. She claims to be the voice of the people.她自稱是老百姓的代言人。 The president has lost the support of the people.總統失去了人民的支持。 the people's Princess平民王妃. someone's peopleinformal. the people someone is related to. 家人,親人,家屬.

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