雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年10月3日 · "Please find attached" is a common phrase used in emails to alert the recipient that an important document is included, ensuring it doesn't go overlooked. The phrase is formal and widely accepted in professional settings. It's like the digital equivalent of handing someone a document in a meeting while saying, "Here you go."

  2. 不過近年來 email 愈來愈精簡,加上 find 的意思比較多種,因此許多電子郵件漸漸以 see 取代 find,而 ” Please find the attached ” 就變成比較所謂比較「老派」的用法 😉. 含附件檔範例信件 📧. Subject:Order Model A0001. Hello Jenny, This is Karen, the buyer of XYZ company. We are currently looking for a specific type of product and one of our business partners recommended your company to us.

    • As per our previous conversation 就先前我們的談話。這個用法二十幾年很流行,很多每封 Email 的開頭都是「as per」,但時下商業溝通講求精簡,這樣說顯得老套,而且 previous 很多餘,直接用 As we discussed / As discussed 就好。
    • Attached please find… 附件是…以前人們依賴紙本信件溝通,「Enclosed please find….」也曾經風行一時。但年輕一輩發現,根本沒有任何東西要「find」,這麼寫看起來像律師函,沒道理。
    • Herewith 隨函。Herewith、hereby、herein 這些都很拗口,雖然有些文化悠久的商號還改不了口,但直接用 here 更簡要。● attached herewith => attached is, here is。
    • Perusal 仔細研究。這個字少見少用,但還真有一位在外商銀行工作的學生寫信就用了這個字,他說在網路學到就用了,這個字改成 review 更自然。
    • 直接添加附加,不做任何解释。如果你邮件的唯一目的就是发送附件,那么你完全删掉这句话。例子:Hey Marley,Nearly doubled my connect call conversion rate this month.
    • Here is。你也可以选择 here’s [title of the attachment],简短而贴心。例子:Hi Saleh,Great talking to you today and learning more about Kensington’s plans to expand into the French market.
    • I’ve attached。这是另一种简单的、非专业术语的替代方法。例子:Hello Karim,Congratulations on the promotion!
    • This [X] has …你也可以描述附件的内容,比如 “This case study includes …” 或者 “This business case explains …”
  3. 剛到外商公司上班的Nancy寫了一封報價的e-mail給客戶,她在信中寫道「Please find attached the quote for your requested equipment.」(您所詢問的設備報價單,請看附件),結果這一句話公司前輩指出太過正式,應該改為比較平易近人的句子。. 主管的建議讓Nancy感到很納悶 ...

  4. 2024年5月20日 · 在英文 email 中表達「參考附件」的方式有很多,常見的有 Please find attachedAttached you will find 等。 通過實體 email 範例,可以幫助你更好地理解這些表達方式的使用情境和具體用法。

  5. 2024年2月11日 · From choosing the right words to replace “Please find attached,” to understanding the nuances of file attachment etiquette, this article provides you with essential insights and alternatives. Whether you’re communicating with colleagues, clients, or superiors, these tips will help you convey your messages more effectively and professionally.

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