雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 也可以說 ” Please see the attached file for your reference. ” 這邊的 for your reference 就是給您參考的意思現代講究精簡的電子郵件也常會縮寫成為 FYR。 補充一下許多商業書信的範例當中,你可能會看到 ” Please find the attached file.

  2. 剛到外商公司上班的Nancy寫了一封報價的e-mail給客戶,她在信中寫道「Please find attached the quote for your requested equipment.」(您所詢問的設備報價單,請看附件),結果這一句話被公司前輩指出太過正式,應該改為比較平易近人的句子。. 主管的建議讓Nancy感到很納悶 ...

  3. 1. Please Refer to the Attached. The first thing that you should change about “please see attached” is the inclusion of “the.” It might not seem like much, but “please refer to the attached” makes the phrase much easier to use. For instance: Please see attached.

  4. 2020年12月4日 · Please find attached the file you requested. 請於附件查看你所要求的文件。 • Please refer to the attached quote for more details. 詳情請見附上的報價單。

  5. 2024年6月28日 · What to Say Instead of “Please See Attached” in Email. Here are ten alternative ways to say ” please see attached” in email: I have attached [document name] for your review. Please find the attached [document name]. The [document name] is attached for your reference. You will find [document name] attached.

  6. 2024年5月20日 · 在英文 email 中表達「參考附件」的方式有很多,常見的有 Please find attached、Attached you will find 等。 通過實體 email 範例,可以幫助你更好地理解這些表達方式的使用情境和具體用法。

  7. 過時用法:Attached please find...(附件是…). 以前人們依賴紙本信件溝通,"Enclosed please find…"也曾經風行一時。. 但年輕一輩發現,根本沒有任何東西要"find",這麼寫看起來像律師函,沒道理。. 還有人會用"please see attached",這也不自然。. 現在大家更愛用"I’m ...

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