雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 低調奢華的專屬秘境. 遠離塵囂的風水噴泉通向熠熠生輝的玻璃屏風,引領客人入內一探究竟。 在麗晶酒店帶給您卓爾不凡的別緻體驗下,感受顯赫壯麗的環境。 在平靜暖人的私人秘境,懾人心魂的遼闊海港景色與絢麗壯觀的天際線如電影般躍現眼前。 平靜的湛藍波光漸漸變成金黃,再幻化成眩目耀眼的繽紛色彩。 沉醉在浸沉式美食體驗和精心策劃的華麗時刻,不僅勾起珍貴的昔日情懷,同時創造嶄新回憶,找到意想不到的和諧。 晶湛卓越. 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道 18 號. +852 2721 1211. 住宿體驗. 瀏覽所有房間. 至臻維港景套房. 於住宅式豪華客房醒來,獨享維多利亞港的旑旎風光,欣賞遼闊景致與醉人日落,親身感受繁華都市景色與璀璨維港天際線的日夜變奏。 了解更多. 維港景客房.

  2. Experience 5 star luxury hotel stay at Regent Hong Kong, on Victoria Harbour with stunning harbourviews, iconic restaurants and a prime location in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.

  3. 香港麗晶酒店位於九龍維多利亞港畔,毗鄰維港文化匯的K11 Musea,距離市內豐富的景點僅幾步之遙博物館、地道市集、及海港城等充滿活力的購物場所均觸手可及。 「星光大道」(尖沙咀海濱長廊)、梳士巴利花園藝術廣場、香港藝術館、太空館和文化中心近在咫尺。 此外,酒店距離M+(亞洲第一家全球當代文化博物館)、香港故宮文化博物館(展示北京故宮博物院的無價之寶)和戲曲中心(中國戲曲中心)所在的西九文化區僅數分鐘車程。

  4. STAY. A private sanctuary of serenity. Beyond a castle-like door, enter a personal world of tranquility, removed from the ordinary. In your Personal Haven, find unexpected harmony and inspiration. View Rooms & Suites. The Highlights. Finest Dining. Distinct Events. Unforgettable Weddings. Regent Club. Dining Destination.

  5. Regent Hong Kong. Rooms & Suites. Each room and suite is designed by the visionary Chi Wing Lo as a private sanctuary, elevated above the noise. Beyond a castle-like door, discover a sense of calm in your Personal Haven, a place for inspiration or relaxation. In the Oasis Bathroom the bath experience is reimagined as an art form. Rooms.

  6. Regent Hong Kong formerly InterContinental Hotel. Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. 95 Excellent 327 Reviews. View Map. Exclusive Five Star. Alliance Perks. SAVE $235+. Breakfast Daily. $100 F&B Credit. Gift. VIP Status. WiFi. Upgrade. BOOK NOW. Unlock Rate. Special offers are available at this hotel but are only available after being unlocked.

  7. 坐在 Regent Hong Kong 酒店客房的窗台上,宾客将沉醉于香港的标志性城市景观。 这家地标酒店可俯瞰维多利亚港,设计精美、设施完备、低调奢华。 跳转至主内容

  8. Regent Hong Kong enjoys a prime location at the Victoria Harbour Waterfront, offering the city's best harbourviews. Each room and suite is designed by the visionary Chi Wing Lo as a private sanctuary with a 65-inch Smart TV, Nespresso machine and Oasis Bathroom.

  9. www.regenthotel.com.hk › searchRegent hotel

    地址:九龍旺角通菜街39號 2樓(地鐵站旺角E2出口) Address: 2/F, 39 Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon.(MTR Mong Kok E2. 電話 (Hotline):2641 0628. Toggle navigationRegent hotel. 關於麗晶賓館. About regent hotel. 預定. Booking.

  10. Returning to its Regent heritage (1980-2001), the iconic hotel on Kowloon’s harbourfront is building upon a legacy of innovation, extraordinary views, service and dining. Reimagined as a majestic haven of discreet luxury, Regent Hong Kong has a serene and soul-rejuvenating aesthetic by Hong Kong-born design visionary Chi Wing Lo – each of ...

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