雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. COSMO Angel就集結了今年25款必備超搶手伴手禮,不僅好吃、外型還超有型,光亮出來保證就超吸睛! 一、萊爾富「鹹蛋黃方塊酥蘋果造型禮盒」 萊爾富在今年過年,推出「門市現場販售」與「專刊預購」兩種年節禮盒,不論是孝親、客戶送禮或是登門拜訪親友,保證都送得體面又大方! 在預購的部分,萊爾富選出多款符合喜氣年味、超卡哇伊的特色造型禮盒,如卡娜赫拉的小動物迷你捲心酥禮盒、Hello...

  2. 新年伴手禮這邊選! 2024年過年禮盒盤點,包括超有設計感春節禮盒包裝、傳統糕點加上現代元素或新奇口味的法式甜點,款式、價錢還有購買連結都幫你準備好~趕快手刀來看!

    • Amber Lin
    • amber.lin@hearst.com.tw
  3. 【2022過年伴手禮總整理】全台限量「30款春節伴手禮」清單,過年送禮首選詩特莉歐風禮盒、koti koti虎虎新年禮盒. 同步還有新年酒品的春節限定版喔! By Amber Lin and LORENA CHEN Published: 2022/01/10. 快過年是不是對於要送什麼伴手禮很煩惱? 年節禮品怎麼送才不會失禮又有誠意呢?...

    • souvenir production1
    • souvenir production2
    • souvenir production3
    • souvenir production4
    • souvenir production5
  4. 2024年5月2日 · 其實台中從傳統甜品、鹹食小點到異國甜點,每個都是在地年輕小的口袋名單,COSMO幫大家整理了8間超強人氣特色伴手禮,從外包裝超Q度減糖版達克瓦茲、許多人心中的第一名的長崎蛋糕或是大排長龍也要吃到的超強曲奇餅乾,趕快筆記,買起來!

    • Amber Lin
    • amber.lin@hearst.com.tw
    • Working on The Series Was Like A "Summer Camp"
    • Phoebe and Regé-Jean on How They Prepared For Their Intimate Scenes
    • Approximately 200 People Worked Behind The Scenes
    • How Bridgerton Was Brought to Life
    • Yes, Some of The Cast Warned Family Members About The Steamier Scenes
    • A Lot of The Actors Are Now Bffs Irl
    • The Costume Department Didn't Let Anyone Pinch Any Props from Set
    • As For A Bridgerton Season 2…

    Filming on the series started in July 2019 and wrapped in February 2020, just before the pandemic hit. That’s almost nine months of shooting, which is a pretty long stretch for a TV series. But it sounds like most of the actors didn’t seem to mind because when they weren’t in front of the camera there was plenty to do. "It was like a summer camp," ...

    The costume drama is refreshing for many reasons, not least because the female characters are given agency. Case in point: Phoebe's intimate scenes with Simon are almost entirely shot from her perspective. As for Phoebe and Regé-Jean’s on-set chemistry, Phoebe said the extensive preparation ahead of filming played a large part. "It was so well writ...

    As well as the ensemble cast comprised of the likes of Phoebe, Regé-Jean and Jonathan, the big budget production obviously also required a lotof hands working behind the scenes. According to showrunner Chris, the crew was made up of "at least a few 100" people. One of the set designers, a carpenter, reportedly dedicated four months just to making f...

    While Shonda didn’t create the series, she was the one who told Chris to read Julia Quinn’s best-selling novels and adapt it for screen. "I knew I wanted to do something completely different than modern day political intrigue on Capitol Hill and Washington DC, and Shonda was the person who told me about these books and I took them home, read them t...

    In parts, Bridgertonis perhaps not the show you want to be watching with your parents. Opening up about the sex scenes, Phoebe admitted she "definitely did" have to warn some of her nearest and dearest, while Regé joked, "Oh, I like to surprise them. Let them off the leash, see what they discover." Jonathan revealed he told his 90-year-old nana to ...

    With a six-week bootcamp followed by more than six months of filming, it’s no surprise some of the cast are now incredibly close. "Phoebe, who plays Daphne, has now become a best friend and I feel incredibly proud and protective of her as well as an older brother," Jonathan said. "I think when you’re playing a family, a lot of the friendships just ...

    Working on such a huge production, we totally get why you might want to keep a souvenir but there was no such luck for most of the Bridgertoncast. While Jonathan kept the dance belt (essentially a thong) he had to wear under his white trousers for "proof of survival", he didn’t get to keep the signet ring that Anthony wears. "I think I got as close...

    WhenCosmopolitan UK asked Van Dusen about a potential Bridgerton season 2, he told us "of course" he'd love to make one. "Obviously we’re just focused on the first season right now. And while that focuses on the eldest Bridgerton daughter Daphne and her love affair with Simon, we know there are eight Bridgerton siblings [and] there are eight Bridge...

  5. 2023年9月16日 · 新加坡聖淘沙美食、景點全攻略! 超狂海底套房、豪華樹屋開箱,流心起司蛋糕必吃. 渴夢生活. 旅遊. 【編輯出走中】新加坡怎麼玩? 聖淘沙名勝世界全攻略:超狂海底套房、豪華樹屋開箱,爆漿流心起司蛋糕必吃! 想要安排懶人行程去聖淘沙就對了! By Allie Hsieh Published: 2023/09/16. 新加坡聖淘沙名勝世界、COSMOPOLITAN. >>...

  6. 玄彬、孫藝珍這對神仙眷侶,真是擺到哪邊都高大上,即使近來最夯的《淚之女王》也不例外,只要一有機會就想跟他倆沾上邊,尤其玄彬、孫藝珍的定情劇《愛的迫降》,與《淚之女王》又是同一個編劇和導演,當然更要哪壺不開提哪壺,讓兩邊好好聯動在一塊兒囉!

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