雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 這次多啦A夢展你可以一次性在海港城前和100只手持不同法寶多啦A夢一起合影哦!想象一些100只表情不同多啦A夢排隊站在海港城前,是不是很壯觀呢!平時你要耐著性子100集動畫片才能看到100個不同法寶呢!

  2. 顧名思義,天際100香港觀景台位於環球貿易廣場的第100層,坐擁360度令人窒息無敵景觀,可無阻鳥瞰香港著名 維多利亞港 ,甚至是圍繞著其他摩天大廈也是一覽眾山小。如果你對具體數據感興趣,我們可以告訴你天際100香港觀景台海拔393米,而環球貿易廣場 ...

  3. 這時天突然開始下起瓢潑大雨,人們紛紛撐開傘,我面前頓時視覺為零。鬱悶啊!難道等了3個小時甚麼都不到就收兵嗎?雨絲毫沒有停意思,而且越下越大。從現場直播大屏幕上見到觀景台上嘉賓也紛紛撐開雨傘。帥氣西裝和晚禮服也無一幸免。

  4. LaForet is another small and trendy shopping mall/centre in the bustling area of Causeway Bay. On three floors, shoppers can find numerous trendy items and products ranging from the latest fashion, shoes and accessories to cosmetics.

  5. MACAU. The Four Seasons Spa has 17 treatment rooms with Finnish sauna, soft sauna, crystal steam and rhassoul chamber, indoor pool and the Vitality Lounge.

  6. Polar Adventure in Ocean Park Hong Kong is divided in South Pole Spectacular & North Pole Encounter where visitors can enjoy penguins,arctic fox & snow owls.

  7. First LINE Friends Store opened in Hysan Place in Hong Kong’s popular shopping district Causeway Bay with exclusive merchandises.