雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Alexandrite al· ex· an· drite | ˌa-lig-ˈzan-ˌdrīt noun A variation of Chrysoberyl, with the unique ability of changing color in natural or artificial light Regarded as the birthstone of June, and the gem of the 55th wedding anniversary, alexandrite was originally discovered in 1830, derived from the great Czar Alexande

  2. 分店地址 營業時間: 星期一 至 星期六: 12:00 - 20:00 星期日及公眾假期: 12:30 - 19:30 【銅鑼灣陳列室】 香港銅鑼灣怡和街22號20樓2001室(獲取路線) 電話: 6165 7595 【尖沙咀陳列室】 九龍尖沙咀厚福街3號華博商業大廈2樓206室 (獲取路線) 電話: 6165

  3. 12 mm. 9.52 ct. 13 mm. 12.66 ct. Cushion Cut Diamond Size Chart (MM) Cushion cut diamonds are one of the hardest shapes to predict size based on weight or millimeter measurements. Use our cushion diamond size chart to see how it would look on a hand. Cushion Diamond Sizes Cushion MM Size Cushion Carat Weight 4.2 mm. 0.40 ct. 4.9 mm. 0.50.

  4. 品牌理念. Roselle Jewelry的宗旨是讓天下的女人都可以擁有鑽石般完美的寶石,但是並不是每個人都能毫無負擔購買鑽石. 就算是擁有鑽石的,我們專業的RZ ® 人造鑽石 已經可以完美替代鑽石的存在。. 產品以S925銀鍍鉑金、9K金、18K金、PT950鉑金作為基礎鑲嵌。. RZ ...

  5. Opening Hours. Monday to Saturday : 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Sunday & public holiday : 12:30 PM – 7:30 PM. +852-6165 7595.

  6. Aigrette ai· grette | ā-ˈgret noun A hair ornament consisting of a feather plume or spray of glitter, often accentuated by either a jewel or buckle A trend originated in India in the 1200’s, and whose popularity peaked in Europe in the 1800’s, is an extravagantly long, soft feather, or arrangement of feathers, typicall

  7. 六爪單石鑽石訂婚戒指【淨戒托】 - KNT1. 0 reviews. 人 正在查看此內容. 14 件在過去 19 小時內售出. $1,888.00 HKD. 預購. 主石尺寸: 0.60CT以下. 0.60CT以下. 含 1.13 克拉 E SI1 實驗室培育鑽石.