雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. Inter-bank RMB borrowing and lending: It refers to the financing without warranty made by financial institutions in the national inter-bank borrowing and lending market (hereinafter referred to as borrowing-lending market for short) as approved by People’s Bank of China through unified inter-bank borrowing and lending network, including electron...

  3. The domestic L/C refers to a kind of settlement method with which the L/C-opening bank, at the request of the customer, issues the written payment commitment to the seller and pay to the seller upon receipt of documents that comply with domestic provisions on L/C in domestic trade. Features and advantages.

  4. 广发银行为您提供优质、全面、便捷的金融服务!业务范围涵盖:网上银行、电话银行、手机银行、信用卡、储蓄、贷款、汇款、客户服务、基金、外汇、理财、黄金、企业银行、资产托管。而广发的广发标准白金卡、南航明珠白金信用卡、广发真情白金卡、广发爱狗卡、南航明珠卡、车主卡、真情 ...

  5. 【穩盈存款】港元6個月利率高達4 %,不限新舊資金,更多優惠存單金額可供選擇。 關於2024年3月1日起上調股票自助交易渠道傭金的公告. 關於2023年11月17日起下調股票交易印花稅的公告. ETC保養日期通知. 優惠信息. 歡度六.一兒童節! 做個理財小達人! 辦理獲贈便攜風扇/精美卡套!! 【智盈優享存】線上專屬定期 $5,000起存即享特優利率! 仲有電子優惠券等緊您! 開春迎新禮【Online迎新大獎賞】, 雙重禮遇, 獎賞最高可達260元, 萬物錯過! 【廣發ETC】線上辦理尊享7折! 【跨境理財通2.0】廣發銀行助您北向跨境理財. 個人金融服務. 個人理財 個人貸款 個人存款. 廣發儲蓄業務,期限靈活,利息優厚,讓您的財富保值增值,滿足您不同的儲蓄需求! 了解詳情 >

  6. In light of the vision to be a first-class commercial bank, the Bank strives to be the best mid to high-end retail bank and the most efficient SME bank in China, and has cultivated a core operation philosophy focusing on innovation, efficiency, customer-orientation, IT leadership and employee welfare. By the end of 2013, the assets of the Bank ...

  7. Product Introduction. Packing loan means that the beneficiary of the L/C applies for short-term financing with CGB with a full set of original L/C for stock export and promises to surrender the documents to CGB after export and to transfer the receivables of the L/C to CGB for returning the financing fund. Product Features.

  8. 广发银行香港分行于2020年4月批准成立,以“扎根香港、服务香港”为目标,着力于为客户提供优质、便捷的综合金融服务。 地址:香港中环交易广场一期12F. 服务热线:852-38509800. 广发银行简介. 广发银行于1988年在广州成立,是国内首批组建的股份制商业银行之一。 本行秉持“诚信、责任、创新、笃行”的核心价值观,牢记“服务客户、回报... 人才招聘.