雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 目前,香港共有三家銀行獲准發行紙幣:香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司(匯豐銀行),渣打銀行和中國銀行(香港)(BOC)。. 香港貨幣成為港幣,紙幣面值目前主要為10元,20元,50元,100元,500元和1000元。. 香港硬幣面值為10分,20分,50分,1元,5元和10元 ...

  2. 沿著維多利亞港海旁漫步,你可以欣賞對岸美麗的景色和標誌性的高樓大廈,例如中國銀行,香港會議展覽中心(HKCEC) (遠看酷似悉尼歌劇院),還有匯豐銀行大廈,高高的國際金融中心(就是在《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士》中蝙蝠俠跳下的大廈)。

    • Sold Tourist Octopus Card – Good Gift and Souvenir
    • How to Use The Octopus Card ?
    • Where to Add Value and How Much to Top Up on Octopus Card?
    • Where Can I Return The Octopus Card?
    • More Frequently Asked Questions About Octopus Card

    Octopus Card Ltd also prepares a special Sold Tourist Octopus Card for visitors as a perfect gift or souvenir. Unlike the Standard Octopus Card, the Sold Tourist Octopus Card is sold at the price of HK$ 39 without deposit and initial value. It means that the HK$ 39 charged for the card is the fee for the card itself and not refundable. Many people ...

    Standard Octopus Card has HK$100 initial value ready to use. If you purchase the Sold Tourist Octopus Card, you still need to reload some value first. Octopus Card is a contactless smart card. Simply swiping or “waving” the card over the fare deduction processor (card reader machine) is sufficient. Successful payment should have a sharp “beep” as s...

    Don’t worry about running out of money on the card. Recharging the card is very convenient and easy. You can either recharge your card in any MTR Customer Service Center, in-station add-value machines or numerous retailers, supermarkets, convenience stores and restaurants. Value can be added from minimum HK$ 50 up to maximum HK$ 1000each time. Ther...

    Only the Standard Octopus Cardcan be returned and refunded. Basically, you can return the Standard Octopus Card to any MTR Customer Service Center, including those in the airport. You will get back all the remaining value as well as the paid deposit (HK$ 50). A small handling fee of HK$9 will be deducted if you return your card within 3 months of p...

    Yes and No. You cannot share an Octopus Card when taking metro system since each one needs to use the card for both entering and exiting. In addition, Octopus Card machines on public transportation...
    All the Standard Octopus Card needs to pay with cash at the Customer Service Counter. It is a cash card that you can get cash refund immediately when returning the card. Thus paying with other mean...
    You can purchase the Sold Tourist Octopus Card online. Especially, if you arrive by plane and don’t want to stand in line after a long-haul flight as well as save some time, this is a perfect optio...
    The Octopus Card is valid for 1000 days and will be deactivated if within this period of time no further amount of value is added. However, you don’t need to worry if you didn’t use your card for 3...
  3. 八達通智能卡(Octopus Card) – 旅行香港常見問題. 從1997年開始推行的 八達通卡系統 是世界上最早的非接觸式智能卡,並迅速成為香港人日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。. 八達通卡是一種儲值卡,現在已經在全香港的各大商店,超市,火車,地鐵,巴士等等系統 ...

  4. 國外的護照持有者需要填寫入境表(有時候在飛機上空乘人員就會發給你提起填好)。 如果填錯了,沒有關係。 入境櫃台旁邊會有大量空白的表格供你填寫。 過了海關以後,你就可以取托運的行李了。 你可以根據你的航班號尋找自己行李的位置。 香港國際機場的接機大堂分為A和B兩個部分。 如果你有朋友接機,記得先約好你會在哪個大廳出來。 如果你沒有準備足夠的貨幣,出了海關就會有一些貨幣兌換的商店。 具體兌換率取決於當天貨幣的匯率。 個人覺得機場的兌換率不是很划算,你可以考慮到市中心兌換。 香港的街上也有很多兌換貨幣的小店。 如果你是自由行,你一定想知道怎樣是去市區最方便的方法。 看你的預算,時間和喜好,你可以乘坐機場大巴,的士或者直接和預訂的酒店聯繫接送。

  5. 前往中環的行程大約需要8-10分鐘,你可以在船上一覽香港最著名的維多利亞港美景和兩岸標誌性的摩天大廈,例如中銀大廈,匯豐大廈,國際金融中心一座和二座。 在中環碼頭下船之後,可到斜對面的15C巴士站前往山頂纜車花園道總站,再乘坐山頂纜車登上太平山頂。 如果你居住在港島區,可以直接乘坐香港另一個標誌“叮叮”電車前往花園道附近。 “叮叮”電車 是遊覽香港最便宜的方式了。 每程只用港幣$ 2.3就可以繞著港島游個半天。 港島電車. “叮叮”電車將經過香港最受歡迎的幾個地區,例如灣仔,金鐘和中環,坐在車上游一游香港的這幾個著名的地區是很愜意的呢。 內行人小貼士: 記得乘坐前往堅尼地城方向的電車。 這裡有一個 電車西行線路圖 供你參考。 電車的入口在後門,請記住準備好零錢,因為電車不設找贖。

  6. Essential Info For Planning Your Trip. Public Holidays • Passport and Visa Requirements • How to Pass Custom and Get to Downtown • Octopus Card – Make Your Travel Easier • Emergency and Useful Phone Numbers • Currency and Money Exchange • Climate and Electricity Supply • Public Transportation.