雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2023年11月14日 · 富山縣高岡市有著日本「銅器之都」的美名。成就這美名的是一件著名的藝術大作「高岡大佛」,高15公尺的大佛,建造於十八世紀中期,耗時30年完成,與奈良大佛、鎌倉大佛被稱為「日本三大佛」。這尊大佛的鑄造、著色等各個環節,均由高岡的工匠藝人完成,彰顯銅器渾厚蒼勁的魅力之餘 ...

  2. 2022年7月22日 · 除了日本農產品有地理標誌(GI)認證,日本產的好酒當然也少不了。 包含已被指定為國家級的清酒「日本酒」,目前日本共有清酒、蒸餾酒、葡萄酒、其他酒類等四大類,共22個產地獲得日本地理標誌(GI)認證,每一款酒都是各自領域中的佼佼者。

  3. 2015年11月26日 · The art of sushi making is as complex as it is gorgeous to see. And when we were blessed with the chance to have a famous Japanese chef with more than 35 years of experience prepare our very own plate of sushi, we had no other choice than to share this unique experience you. So sit back, relax and get ready for a mouth-watering experience!

  4. 2019年11月8日 · 女版和服通常颜色显眼,可供选择的种类也比较多。. 女版色系上主要以红色,粉红,或紫色为主。. 相反,男版和服颜色则相对比较深沉内敛,靛蓝,藏青,褐色或黑色都是不错的主流之选。. 图案. 男版和服通常是无图案的素衣,就算有的话,最多也只有 ...

  5. 九州七星號列車是JR九州所推出的臥鋪列車,環繞九州島行駛,於2013年10月15日起開行。與日本其他已停駛及行駛中的臥鋪列車不同的是,本列車是針對日本國內及亞洲的金字塔頂端客層為對象,以套裝旅遊行程的形式販賣,並不單賣車票。吸引了國內外的有錢人前來體驗。

  6. Lawson seeks to realize its Corporate Philosophy of "Creating Happiness and Harmony in Our Communities" by operating neighborhood stores centered on its chainstore development and operation in Japan. Since opening its first store 40 years ago in June 1975, Lawson has evolved in response to changes in lifestyles and the social environment ...

  7. 2019年1月23日 · Onitsuka Tiger is a shoe brand launched by Kihachiro Onitsuka, the founder of Onitsuka Corporation, who in 1950 became known for developing basketball shoes for athletes, a technically challenging feat at that time. Onitsuka continued to develop pro-level footwear for various sports, and his creations could be seen on athletes across the world ...

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